The availability of weather data from remotely sensed Earth observation data has reduced the cost of including weather variables in econometric models. Weather variables are common instrumental variables...
This paper addresses the challenge of missing crop yield data in large-scale agricultural surveys, where crop-cutting, the most accurate method for yield measurement, is often limited due to cost constraints...
This paper investigates the extent to which real-time indicators derived from internet search, cell phones, and satellites predict changes in household socioeconomic indicators across approximately 300...
The paper presents a methodology to generate experimental small area estimates of poverty in four West African countries: Chad, Guinea, Mali, and Niger. Due to the absence of recent census data in these...
Imagery data offer the potential to answer critical questions regarding the relevance and effectiveness of development initiatives, providing a factual basis for decisionmaking and the refinement of policies...
This paper offers a nontechnical review of selected applications that combine survey and geospatial data to generate small area estimates of wealth or poverty. Publicly available data from satellites and...
Understanding the specific factors associated with cholera outbreaks is an integral part of designing better approaches to mitigate their impact. This paper uses georeferenced case data from the cholera...
Mitigating the impacts of landslides requires quantifying the susceptibility of different infrastructures to this hazard through landslide susceptibility mapping. The mapping requires overlaying the spatial...
This document has seven sections. The first section provides an overview of sectorization methodologies. The second section includes the methodology. Section three provides documentation of issues, cleaning...
Remote sensing is the identification, observation, and measurement of objects from a distance, without being in direct contact with those objects. Cameras and even the human eye are remote sensing devices...
The town of Simeria is classified as a rank III urban locality, according to the classification defined in Law and one of the urban poles of Hunedoara county. The town of Simeria is located in the Western...
This report summarizes the activities of the World Bank (WB) project to support the second phase of the regional spatial data infrastructure for the self-governing region of Presov (PSK) in the Slovak...
Táto správa sumarizuje aktivity projektu Svetovej banky (SB) na podporu druhej fázy regionálnej infraštruktúry priestorových údajov pre Prešovský samosprávny kraj (PSK) v Slovenskej republike. Projekt...
The development objective of Second Land Administration Project for Ghana is to consolidate and strengthen land administration and management systems for efficient and transparent land services delivery...
Proper coordination is critical to saving lives and meeting emergency needs when it comes to responding to natural disasters. Until recently the Kyrgyz Republic, a country that is frequently affected by...