State building and state legitimacy in the states emerging from fragility are inseparable from the notion of social contract. In the countries where the youth only know statelessness—or a complete absence...
This note examines how recent fiscal reforms have affected household incomes in Sri Lanka. It assesses their impact on poverty and inequality separately from other welfare-losses-inducing shocks experienced...
The development objective of the Fiscal Governance Program for Results for Malawi is to improve the effectiveness of resource mobilization, budget execution, and transparency of public finances in Malawi...
Экономические перспективы Казахстана на следующие два года указывают на стабильный рост, который будет достигнут отчасти за счет дальнейшего использования углеродов, а также благодаря увеличению потребительских...
Tuvalu remains at a high risk of debt distress, unchanged from the 2021 Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA). Consistent with the previous DSA, judgment was applied to extend the projection horizon to 20...
Ratings for the Fiscal Performance Improvement Support Project for Afghanistan were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The development objective of the First Fiscal Management and Inclusive Growth Development Policy Financing for Republic of Congo is to support the government’s efforts to: (i) strengthen fiscal sustainability...
Ratings for the Strengthening Fiscal Management and Private Sector Employment Opportunities Development Policy Credit (DPC) Project for Bhutan were as follows: overall outcome and achievement of objectives...
This policy note presents the main features of the fiscal decentralization framework in Croatia, analyzed in reference to its main components, namely, the territorial-administrative structure, the expenditure...
The nationwide lockdown in Q1 FY20-21 resulted in a contraction in real GSDP and a significant jump in both fiscal deficit and public debt across most states. Although dented by the impact of the second...
The problems in Croatia’s fiscal decentralization system have long been recognized. The fragmented territorial-administrative structure, fiscal decentralization efforts with insufficient fiscal autonomy...
This paper develops a dynamic infinite-horizon model with two layers of governments to study theoretically and quantitatively how fiscal decentralization affects local and central government debt accumulation...
The local government sector in the Palestinian territories is made of 437 units (159 municipalities and 278 village councils). The sector is marked by large disparities in terms of fiscal and institutional...