Despite decades of economic growth, gender disparities in South Asia remain remarkably high. Although not the only one, social norms are a crucial driver of various gender outcomes, including differential...
This policy note summarizes the findings of an online survey that sought to measure the extent of support for women with children working outside the home for pay. In a second survey the study investigated...
The COVID-19 outbreak has impacted people around the world in an unprecedented manner, especially vulnerable populations such as displaced people. To monitor the heterogeneous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic...
Increasing female labor force participation is a pressing concern in Mashreq countries. The negative relation between women’s family responsibilities and female labor force participation is well established...
A law that banned the practice of female genital cutting (FGC) in Senegal in 1999 reduced its prevalence and increased educational investments in girls. These results are not driven by mechanisms like...
Following an initial mapping of the main initiatives targeting FGM in Mali, multi-level analyses and feasibility assessments, four lines of work were selected to best integrate activities addressing FGM...
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is an extreme form of violence against women and girls (VAWG), of sexual assault, a human rights violation, and a development impediment that affects more than 200 million...
This report finds that the Liberian government continues to prioritize important female-specific issues – such as the elimination of violence against women and girls – within its development agenda. Accompanying...
This brief use firm-level data collected between May 2020 and May 2021 in 41 countries, to provide descriptive evidence on the differential effect of the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis on female-...
The advent of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a severe liquidity crunch among private firms. Yet, formal analysis of the impact of a liquidity crunch or access to finance on the performance...
This report presents the evaluation of Biscate, a digital labor market matching platform for informal services workers in Mozambique. The platform aims to facilitate labor market intermediation of workers...
This report presents the results of the analysis of data collected on workers and clients using Biscate, a digital labor market matching platform for informal services workers in Mozambique. The platform...
The Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and its negative economic effects create a need for timely data and evidence to help monitor and mitigate the social and economic impacts of the crisis...
Theory suggests several ways in which exporting may benefit women’s employment. However, the empirical evidence is mixed and limited, especially for developing countries. This paper uses firm-level survey...
En esta presentación se analiza identificación de ocupaciones críticas para la población femenina de Bogotá.