Ratings for the Erosion and Watershed Management Project for Nigeria (NEWMAP) were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was substantial...
Geohazards include almost all hazards affecting road infrastructure such as landslides, debris flows, floods, and erosion. In many countries, the lack of road geohazard risk management is causing the loss...
The development objective of the Assam Integrated River Basin Management Program for India is to reduce the vulnerability of people to climate-related disasters and improve integrated water resources management...
Nature-based Solutions (NBS) that strategically conserve or restore nature to support conventionally built infrastructure systems (also referred to as gray infrastructure) can reduce disaster risk and...
Urban flooding occurs when water flows into an urban area faster than it can be absorbed or transported away. Lack of drainage and insufficient water infrastructure due to urbanization exacerbates flooding.
Kampala faces a wide array of hazards that hinder economic growth and opportunity. Flooding, fires, human epidemics, air pollution, environmental degradation, building collapses, earthquakes, erosion...
The development objectives of the Rural Infrastructure Development Project for Uzbekistan are: (i) to improve the quality of basic infrastructure and (ii) to strengthen participatory local governance processes...
The multi-channel braided Brahmaputra-Jamuna River is a river that has undergone many changes over the past 150 years. Each year, riverbank erosion and seasonal flooding devours many settlements and infrastructure...
The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL)...
The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL)...
The objective of the Southeast Asia Disaster Risk Management Project aims to reduce the impacts of flooding in Muang Xay of Oudomxay (ODX) Province and enhance capacity of the Government of Lao PDR (GOL)...
Erosion and flooding are the most visible consequences of coastal zone degradation in West Africa. Man-made and natural processes, aggravated by the effects of climate change, cause erosion and flooding...
Erosion and flooding are the most visible consequences of coastal zone degradation in West Africa. Man-made and natural processes, aggravated by the effects of climate change, cause erosion and flooding...
Erosion and flooding are the most visible consequences of coastal zone degradation in West Africa. Man-made and natural processes, aggravated by the effects of climate change, cause erosion and flooding...
Ratings of Urban Development Project for Congo, Democratic Republic of were as follows: outcome was moderately unsatisfactory, Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
This book shows how virtually all forms of natural capital, but particularly ‘blue’ natural capital, skies and seas, has been degrading in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the last three...
This book shows how virtually all forms of natural capital, but particularly ‘blue’ natural capital, skies and seas, has been degrading in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the last three...
This book shows how virtually all forms of natural capital, but particularly ‘blue’ natural capital, skies and seas, has been degrading in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the last three...
This book shows how virtually all forms of natural capital, but particularly ‘blue’ natural capital, skies and seas, has been degrading in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region over the last three...
This is the third toolkit published by the platform for collaboration on tax, which is a joint initiative of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development...