Même si la scolarisation des filles dans le secondaire s’est améliorée en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre depuis 1990, le rythme des progrès a stagné au cours des 15 dernières années. Dans de nombreuses...
En este informe se analiza la evidencia sobre la pobreza y la equidad en México durante las últimas dos décadas, se la compara con la experiencia internacional comparable y se identifican un conjunto de...
Zambia is simultaneously amongst the poorest and the most unequal countries in the world. In 2022, 64.3 percent of the population - about 12.6 million individuals - was living on less than US$2.15 a day...
Women constitute nearly half of the young working age-population in Nepal but are less likely than men to participate in the labor force. When employed, they work largely in informal, or subsistence work...
Gender equality is a moral, social, and economic imperative at the heart of sustainable development. It is essential for eradicating poverty and boosting shared prosperity on a liveable planet. The Umbrella...
The EnABLE Quarterly Newsletter provides the latest updates from the EnABLE Trust Fund, and related work on social inclusion and gender equity. This issue presents highlights of activities from October...
El Boletín Trimestral de EnABLE proporciona las ultimas actualizaciones del Fondo Fiduciario de EnABLE y el trabajo relacionado con la inclusión social y la equidad de genero. Este número presenta los...
Panama has been one of the fastest-growing countries in the region, with rapid economic expansion accompanied by significant poverty reduction. Driven by public and private investment as well as labor...
The Umbrella Facility for Poverty and Equity is a global trust fund that enables policymakers and practitioners to design, implement, and monitor projects, policies, and programs to end poverty and boost...