This policy brief presents key recommendations for: invest in better quality education; manage negative impacts; and implement training programs.
The development objectives of the Safeguarding Access to Fiscal and Educational Resources Project for Sao Tome and Principe are to support continued access to education and contribute to addressing sources...
Evidence from high-income countries suggests that the quality of school leadership has measurable impacts on teacher behaviors and student learning achievement. However, there is a lack of rigorous evidence...
The development objective of the Higher Education Quality and Innovation Project for Kyrgyz Republic is to improve the quality of research and strengthen the quality and labor market alignment of higher...
The Uganda Public Expenditure Review (PER) 2022-23 focused on selected aspects of fiscal policy management and outcomes with a view to supporting a fiscal adjustment to a more inclusive growth agenda...
Investments in early years of education and childhood development are among the most cost-effective and beneficial a country can make to tackle learning poverty, promote healthy child development, and...
To raise awareness about the limited quality of education, the World Bank and the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) has introduced the concept of “learning poverty,” defined as being unable to read...
Ratings for the Alliance for Education Quality Project for Nicaragua were as follows: outcome and Bank performance were satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality was high. Some lessons...
Ratings for the Education Quality Improvement Project for Democratic Republic of the Congo were as follows: outcome and Bank performance was satisfactory and monitoring and evaluation (M and E) quality...
The Pacific Secondary School Program (PSSP) is a regional, multiphase program aimed at identifying and designing interventions that can improve educational outcomes of secondary school–aged youth. The...
Quality assurance systems have been implemented or are under development in a number of low- and middle-income countries in an effort to observe the quality of education and deploy targeted measures to...
The development objective of the Multidisciplinary Education and Research Improvement in Technical Education Project for India is to improve quality, equity, and governance in technical education in select...
The development objectives of the Education Quality Improvement Project for Moldova are to: (i) improve the learning environment in participating institutions, with an emphasis on supporting disadvantaged...
Ratings for the Quality Improvement and Equity of Basic Education Project for Senegal were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The development objective of the Learning Environment : Foundation of Quality Education Project for Tajikistan is to enhance the quality of teaching and learning environments in selected general secondary...
The development objective of the Zanzibar Improving Quality of Basic Education Project for Tanzania aims to improve teaching competencies and learning outcomes and reduce the gender gap in transition rates...
The development objective of the Strengthening Primary Education System Operation for Côte d’Ivoire is to improve: (i) equitable access to quality education and school health services in preprimary and...