This study examines the effects of climate and weather shocks on Afghanistan's agricultural economy, with an emphasis on food security, prices, and wages. By utilizing a dynamical model and a unique data...
Economic growth in Malawi fell short of expectations in 2023 and is projected to remain subdued in 2024. While implementation of planned macroeconomic and structural reforms is expected to boost Gross...
The impacts of climate change are profoundly affecting the Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. During the summer of 2023—the warmest summer in history—ECA experienced a particularly intense heat wave...
Tunisia’s modest economic recovery slowed down further in the first half of 2023, weighed down by a severe drought, uncertain financing conditions and the pace of Government planned reforms. The sixth...
The Round 2 Tonga HFPS was collected from 2,504 households between July 12 and August 26, 2022.
The objective of the Jharkhand Municipal Development Project for India is be to improve access of urban service delivery and urban management capacity in participating state and local government agencies...