This paper provides an overview of the Russian Federation’s default history, the legal characteristics of the bonds, and potential issues for litigation should a default materialize. The paper’s main argument...
The Lao PDR Economic Monitor provides updates on macroeconomic developments and sectoral issues in the country . This report comprises two parts. Part I: Recent Economic Developments and Outlook, and Part...
Este pacote de Notas de Políticas Públicas é dirigido à sociedade brasileira e especificamente aos candidatos à presidência e sua equipe econômica na eleição de 2018. Ele apresenta o diagnóstico do Banco...
This package of policy notes is addressed to Brazilian society and specifically to the Presidential candidates and their teams of economic advisors in the 2018 election. It provides the World Bank’s diagnosis...
This report What Works? Examples of Empirically Proven Justice Reforms examines theimpact of select judicial reforms on efficiency of justice, quality of justice, and access to justice in India, Senegal...
Public credit guarantees have become a popular instrument to try to expand lending to financially constrained firms. In many instances, these schemes have proven useful to increase access to finance. However...
Small claims issue no. 9: Using alternative dispute-resolution (ADR) mechanisms, such as mediation and conciliation justice, is one of the ways that courts have attempted to reduce their caseload while...
The 2008 financial crisis and consequent rise in corporate insolvencies highlight the clear need for efficient bankruptcy systems to liquidate unviable firms and reorganize viable ones and to do so in...
The objective of Financial Sector Technical Assistance Project is to support the renewed efforts of the Government of Nepal (GON) to improve the sector in order to bring macroeconomic stability and promote...
Ratings for the Financial Sector Restructuring Project for Nepal were as follows: outcomes were unsatisfactory, the risk to development outcome was substantial, the Bank performance was moderately unsatisfactory...
Population growth rates in peri-urban areas in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) increase much faster due to rural-urban migration placing a strain on utilities to provide services to these areas. Utility companies...