This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Namibia according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in New Caledonia according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Niger according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Nicaragua according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Gibraltar according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Norway according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Gabon according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in New Zealand according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Nigeria according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Netherlands according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Nauru according to key performance indicators.
This Factsheet provides an overview of the finance, competitiveness and innovation sector in Nepal according to key performance indicators.
This report summarizes the lessons and achievements from the implementation of ComPEL (The Competitiveness Policy Evaluation Lab) in FY17-22. ComPEL is an umbrella impact evaluation program set up in partnership...
SIDU 2021-2030 keep from the Cluj Strategy for the period 2014-2020: the three strategic development factors of Cluj: university, innovation, participation two key concepts: life quality and structural...
Vietnam has demonstrated great and almost unrivaled development success over the past few decades as evidenced by a variety of measures, including national income, poverty reduction, and access to services...
The World Bank Agriculture and Food (AGF) Global Practice in cooperation with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) carried out this study to support and inform the ongoing World Bank Group country...
Acest raport analizează documente/rapoarte de specialitate, barometre de clasament urban, date statistice la nivel local, regional și național în scopul poziționării Municipiului București în competiția...
This report analyzes specialized documents/reports, urban ranking barometers, statistical data at local, regional and national level for the purpose of positioning Bucharest City in the global and regional...