Ratings of Sustainable Cities Project for Türkiye were as follows: outcome was satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation quality was substantial. Some of the lessons...
The development objective of Public Administration Modernization for Citizen Centric Service Delivery Project for Gambia, The is to enhance domestic resource mobilization and financial reporting, human...
Urbanization in Afghanistan has been rapid over the last two decades and presents several challenges. Afghan cities underwent a severe shock in the wake of the collapse of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan...
The strategic development of Kalamata has been focused on two main areas: the restoration of the city's historic urban core and the revitalization of its waterfront, with recent efforts emphasizing the...
Often persons with disabilities are not even consulted about decisions that relate to or affect their lives. In line with the philosophy of the disability rights movement, which is built on the principle...
Governments across the world have increasingly devolved powers to locally elected leaders. This paper studies the consequences of local democracy, exploiting a natural experiment in Karnataka, India. Local...
Cities and municipalities in Greece are expected, since the 2014 – 2020 Programming period, to design and implement sustainable urban development (SUD) strategies. This report provides an overview of the...
The World Bank Group (WBG) is committed to becoming a better listener and accelerating progress in the fight to end poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable and inclusive manner. Engaging citizens...
Ratings of Economic Governance, GovTech and Citizen Engagement Project (PGEPC) for Burkina Faso were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was moderately satisfactory, and monitoring...
Cities are engines of growth, job-creation, and innovations. Cities are economic powerhouses and innovation hubs with large markets that can attract investments, knowledge, skilled personnel and lead to...
The Implementing the Roadmap to Strengthen Citizen Engagement (CE) in the Burundi portfolio ASA sought to support four objectives: Support the enabling environment for CE in Burundi; Strengthen CE capacity...
The purpose of this document is to encourage and guide project teams (PIUs), Task Teams, government officials and civil society organizations (CSOs) involved in the implementation of World Bank-financed...
Mejorar la calidad de la participación en proyectos financiados por el Banco Mundial: manual de buenas prácticas para los planes de participación de las partes interesadas.
Ownership of reforms by citizens is often presented as important for success. This paper explores media engagement and support for economic reforms in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries using text...
Luang Prabang is a city in northern Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR), with its declared UNESCO World Heritage Zone (WHZ) since 1995. Luang Prabang is unusual within Lao PDR for the high percentage...
This note provides a summary of the results achieved and lessons learned under the Strengthening Implementation of the Roadmap for Citizen Engagement (CE) in the Burundi Portfolio ASA, which ran from June...
Burundi is one of the poorest countries in the world. The shock linked to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has interrupted a fragile economic recovery, with growth slowing 0.3 percent in 2020 and projected...