A well-structured and high-integrity carbon market has the potential to mobilize essential financing for climate action, especially in developing countries. Achieving scale will require secure, efficient...
The Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP), the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (ICVCM), the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative...
The twelve Pacific Island Countries (PICs) that are members of the World Bank have been experiencing rapid urbanization for several decades and are now experiencing rapid growth in reliance on private...
Blue Carbon ecosystems, as powerful carbon sinks, can play a vital role in supporting economies, jobs, and livelihoods. For these reasons, the World Bank Group prepared the flagship report Unlocking Blue...
แรงกระแทกสองประการของการแพร่ระบาดและการค้าโลกที่อ่อนแอส่งผลกระทบต่อประเทศไทยเป็นพิเศษเนื่องจากตําแหน่งของประเทศในฐานะศูนย์กลางการค้าและการท่องเที่ยว นักท่องเที่ยวของไทยมีเพียง 75 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของระดับก่อนเกิดโรคระบาดในเดือนกันยายน...
Carbon markets could be a game changer in advancing climate action. But they have to be trustworthy, transparent, result in real climate mitigation and bring tangible benefits, especially for developing...
This report focuses on carbon finance for Côte d'Ivoire. It focuses on the following: Overview of carbon finance landscape update, including the operationalization of Article 6 mechanisms; WB carbon...
Uma abordagem de árvore de decisão para avaliar e identificar etapas na busca pela prontidão do carbono azul em seu país. Começando com o Pilar 1, percorra a árvore usando a legenda abaixo como guia. Preste...
In the face of the recent energy crisis, improving energy efficiency has regained attention as one of the key strategies to achieve sustainable growth of the industry sector and carbon neutrality targets...
A growing literature suggests that carbon emissions are most efficiently reduced by carbon pricing. The evidence base on the effectiveness of market-based mechanisms, however, faces three key limitations:...
Aluminum is a critical metal for the energy transition. It is necessary across many low-carbon technologies such as wind turbines, batteries, electrolyzers for renewable hydrogen, carbon storage for low-carbon...
Effective global decarbonization will require an array of solutions across a portfolio of low-carbon resources. One such solution is developing clean hydrogen. This unique fuel has the potential to minimize...
This manuscript looks at carbon border adjustments (CBA) mechanisms and bans to imports of deforestation-free products (DFP) recently proposed by the EU, the US, and other countries. It aims to answer...
Under the Kyoto Protocol, compliance carbon markets (CCM) were primarily in the form of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Joint Implementation (JI). In 2015, the Paris Agreement introduced a new...
This Country Climate and Development Report (CCDR) identifies ways that Kazakhstan can achieve its development objectives while fostering the transition to a more green, resilient, and inclusive development...
This paper provides in interim update on the status of technical prototyping activities that were conducted by the World Bank’s Carbon Markets & Innovation (SCCMI) unit under the Climate Change group and...
This report discusses the remarks delivered by World Bank Group President David Malpass at the seventh ministerial meeting of the coalition of finance ministers for climate action. He discusses: many climate...