This paper provides an extensive review of the literatures on product and labor market regulations and their effects on labor market outcomes. It uncovers the interdependence of these two types of regulations...
This toolkit offers new guidance to policy makers on how to design, sequence, and prioritize reforms in sectors with presence of Businesses of the State (BOS). This toolkit offers a flexible approach structured...
This brief discusses critical considerations for engaging the private sector in the process of reforming and implementing business regulations, along with channels and mechanisms that have been successfully...
The development objective Casablanca Municipal Support Program-for-Results Project for Morocco is to increase the investment capacity of the Municipality of Casablanca, improve the business environment...
Doing Business in Afghanistan 2017 is the first report of the subnational Doing Business series in Afghanistan. It measures business regulations and their enforcement in five provinces. The provinces are...
Doing Business in Kazakhstan 2017 is the first report of the subnational Doing Business series in Kazakhstan. It measures business regulations and their enforcement in four Doing Business areas. The objective...
The Doing Business in Poland 2015 report goes beyond the capital, Warsaw, for the first time and looks at the ease of doing business in 18 cities across all 16 Voivodeships (provinces) in the country...
The Doing Business in Poland 2015 report goes beyond the capital, Warsaw, for the first time and looks at the ease of doing business in 18 cities across all 16 Voivodeships (provinces) in the country...
Doing business sheds light on how easy or difficult it is for a local entrepreneur to open and run a small to medium-size business when complying with relevant regulations. It measures and tracks changes...
This report focuses on the results of Georgia business perception survey conducted in January-February 2012.
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) family business governance handbook is a concise and practical description of essential family business governance components and suggested approaches to resolving...