Швидко зростаючі компанії середнього розміру є важливим сегментом малих і середніх підприємств (МСП) і є критично важливими постачальниками робочих місць, інновацій, товарів і послуг на розвинених ринках...
This Brief studies patterns of political engagement among private firms in the European Union (EU). Using representative data, allowing for analysis at the level of NUTS2 regional groupings (EU regions...
This Brief uses data from the World Bank Enterprise Surveys (WBES) in 27 European Union countries (the EU-27) to gain insights into the adoption of management practices in the region's private sector...
Zambia’s economy is emerging from a debt crisis and has successfully negotiated a debt restructuring with creditors and an International Monetary Fund (IMF) program. This report highlights that, with reforms...
Zambia’s economy is emerging from a debt crisis and has successfully negotiated a debt restructuring with creditors and an International Monetary Fund (IMF) program. This report highlights that, with reforms...
This technical note (TN) provides an assessment of the BI-SSSS system based on CPMI/IOSCO PFMI. The assessment was undertaken in the context of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Financial...
This report identifies circular economy (CE) opportunities in the tourism sector in Cabo Verde, The Gambia, and Säo Tomé & Principe. The project focuses on enhancing circularity by advocating for policy...
There is growing evidence that business training for micro-entrepreneurs can be effective. However, in-person training can be expensive and imposes costs on the target beneficiaries. This paper presents...
This report contains the assessments of BI-RTGS against the PFMI. The assessment was undertaken in the context of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)...
The mapping of policy instruments and intermediary organizations should ideally be organized through two survey questionnaires, Q1 and Q2. The two surveys include questions that are very similar, but they...
The ecosystem functional analyses questionnaire aims to gain a deeper understanding of the ground realities and challenges, as experienced by various stakeholders, in realizing entrepreneurship outcomes...
Introducing new data is important as we recognize the limitations of current entrepreneurship ecosystem methodologies, such as a lack in granularity, lack in geographic scope, lack in frequency, and expensive...
Women, Business and the Law (WBL) measures laws, process, and outcomes related to women’s economic opportunity in 190 economies. By examining the economic decisions women make throughout their working...
As one of the largest markets in Sub-Saharan Africa, Nigeria is uniquely positioned to become a regional leader in native digital entrepreneurship. This report aims to present an overview of the regulatory...
Le present rapport presente un diagnostic de l’ecosysteme des paiements sociaux au Burkina Faso tout en mettant en evidence les princpaux defis pour la digitalization de ces derniers. Ce diagnostic s’inscrit...
Doing Business provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across one hundred ninety-one economies. It is founded on the principle that economic activity benefits from clear...
This report includes: legal equality and women’s economic empowerment; with greater equality of opportunity, more women work and start businesses; globally, women have just 3/4 of the legal rights afforded...
By 2030, up to two-thirds of the world’s extremely poor will live in fragile and conflict-affected countries. With studies showing that women business leaders have a stronger focus on sustainability and...