The pace at which markets are evolving, thanks to the accelerated adoption of digital technologies, poses important challenges to competition law and its enforcement. This work aims to support this process...
Prices for several intermediate inputs, including cement, are higher in developing economies—particularly in Africa. Combining data from the International Comparison Program with a global directory of...
Limited competition hinders the optimal use of telecommunication services in the Dominican Republic, which lags peer countries in mobile subscriptions and internet penetration. Despite recent reforms designed...
This paper analyzes competition in the retail banking markets in Latin America. Retail banking services, that is banking products and services for consumers and small businesses, including deposit accounts...
This Investment Policy and Regulatory Review (IPRR) presents information on the legal and regulatory frameworks governing foreign direct investment (FDI) and competition that affect businesses and foreign...
What role does, or should competition law play in the data economy? The proliferation of data into different fields of the economy presents a tremendous opportunity for economic growth. Data permits companies...
This paper defines institutions, presents their basic characteristics, and discusses forces for institutional change. It draws on a wealth of research and study by scholars in different fields and follows...
The main objective of imposing fines for competition law violations in most jurisdictions is deterrence. Deterrence can be intended to dissuade violators from engaging in the same conduct in the future...
This power sector policy note analyzes the principal challenges in the power sector of the Kyrgyz Republic and identifies possible solutions for overcoming them. To inform the analysis, the note describes...
Competition in domestic markets is critical to ensure increased international competitiveness. Firms facing more intense competitive pressures are more likely to introduce new products and upgrade existing...
A literature review shows that competition policy reforms allow markets to work more efficiently for the benefit of consumers and drive sustainable economic growth. Three main insights emerge: greater...
While the original justification of the antidumping laws in the industrial economies was to protect domestic consumers against predation by foreign suppliers, by the early 1990s the laws and their use...
This paper aims to provide those working in developing countries with a review of the issues that can help address the four questions: 1) are petroleum product margins excessively high at certain times?;...
The authors compare the two merger control systems currently employed worldwide: a mandatory system based on merger size threshold and a voluntary system with ex-post monitoring and fines. The voluntary...
The "balancing cooperation and competition in retail payment systems" provides answers to the following questions in the report. Why is retail payments efficiency and innovation key to economic and social...
A newly created dataset including 239 decisions made by the Mexican Federal Competition Commission on horizontal mergers between 1997 and 2001 is used to estimate the different factors affecting the Commission's...
This report focuses on the five South Asian economies that have shown the strongest interest in adopting or modifying their policies on competition: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. It...
The authors examine an issue at the nexus of domestic competition policy and international trade, the interaction between goods trade and market power in domestic trade and distribution sectors. Theory...