What roles do global environmental conventions and the various UN agencies play in this process? This paper reviews available guidance on the issue of waste management and highlights some key considerations...
The note provides an overview of the Convention to Combat Desertification (CCD), following the first conference of parties in Rome, highlights the commitments of affected countries that ratified the Convention...
The purpose of this note is to describe the public consultation program to date for the Nam Theun 2 (NT2) hydroelectric project and share lessons learned regarding the process and methodologies that were...
Land degradation on agricultural land, in addition to reducing productivity and causing problems such as sedimentation, can also affect problems of global concern. Land degradation can contribute to climate...
How can geographic information systems (GIS) assist in pollution control and prevention? What role can GIS play in environmental monitoring and impact assessment? Can GIS offer information management solutions...
A Quality-at-entry review of 108 World Bank projects in 53 countries was undertaken to determine the extent and nature of community driven development (CDD) within the Bank's portfolio. The review included...
The government of India is implementing a new strategy to arrest the spread of tuberculosis (TB) in the country. The World Bank-funded Tuberculosis Control Project used social assessment (SA) as an "umbrella"...
The World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, and the United Nations Environment Program, act as implementing agencies of the Global Environment Facility. The World Bank's role is to develop...
Community management of natural resources can be promoted by providing an incentive environment to help ensure the flow of benefits to communities through the establishment of regulated access and rational...
The 1996 Red List of Threatened Animals is a warning flag, signaling for global attention to the perilous status of many species. It is estimated that 25 percent of mammal species and 11 percent of bird...
Against a backdrop of increasing attention to social assessment and participation issues throughout the World Bank and within the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Bank's Global Environment Coordination...
Pollution charges are becoming an increasingly popular instrument for environmental policy. Currently, they are widely applied in OECD countries, play a key role among environmental policy instruments...
Field guides are useful tools for promoting conservation awareness and action, and are implicitly supported by at least five Articles of the Convention on Biological Diversity. They can be used directly...
Poverty is at the root of the problems facing many public housing projects in the U.K. today. Experience emerging from 100 low-income housing estates echoes findings from urban upgrading for the poor in...
Most poor and disadvantaged people have not previously been integrated into the formal financial sector. However, from the standpoint both of financial sector development and poverty alleviation, the participation...
A Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was undertaken by the World Bank in collaboration with the Government of Kenya to complement previous statistical studies of poverty in Kenya. While the PPA confirmed...
Citizen participation in the decisionmaking and development activities of local government can produce more efficient and effective delivery of services by the public sector. In order to foster participation...
Understanding the perspective of farmers is key to the success of any activity aimed at improving their lives. Agricultural extension, which provides information to increase farmers' production, is particularly...
Designers of the India Ecodevelopment Project found the social assessment (SA) to be a good starting place for stakeholders and nongovernmental organization (NGO) participation in project participation...
The government of Mexico and a World Bank team incorporated social assessment (SA) into their analytical work when carrying out a comprehensive review of the forestry and resource conservation sector...