This technical note (TN) provides an assessment of the BI-SSSS system based on CPMI/IOSCO PFMI. The assessment was undertaken in the context of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Financial...
Indonesia is exposed to both climate change transition risks and physical risks. With primary energy supply heavily dominated by fossil fuels, like many other countries, and as a major exporter of coal...
The financial system in Indonesia is dominated by banks with high capital and liquidity buffers, and the non-performing loan ratios appear low. The results of bank solvency stress tests suggest that the...
This assessment of the implementation of the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (BCP) by the OJK is part of the FSAP undertaken by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World...
The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has made progress in updating its regulatory and supervisory frameworks since the last FSAP in 2017. The recently enacted Financial Sector Omnibus Law (FSOL) enhances...
Progress has been made in developing the capital markets in Indonesia, supported by the passage of the Financial Sector Omnibus Law (FSOL, Law 4/2023) and on-going regulatory amendments which can be expected...
The legal and regulatory framework is closely aligned with international standards, including IOSCO Principles. Capital market activity is governed by a comprehensive set of laws and regulations. OJK has...
Credit infrastructure is a critical enabler of a responsible credit system, benefiting both lenders and borrowers while contributing to financial inclusion and stability. It encompasses the set of institutions...
This report contains the assessments of BI-RTGS against the PFMI. The assessment was undertaken in the context of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP)...
Indonesia has taken crucial steps in meeting its climate targets while facing formidable challenges in transitioning towards a low-carbon and resilient economy. Global warming is affecting the island nation...