Growth in most countries in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region rebounded in the first half of 2022, but China lost momentum (Figure O1A; table O1). In much of the region, domestic demand revived...
Growth in most countries in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region rebounded in the first half of 2022, but China lost momentum (Figure O1A; table O1). In much of the region, domestic demand revived...
การเติบโตในประเทศส่วนใหญ่ในภูมิภาคเอเชียตะวันออกและแปซิฟิก (EAP) ดีดตัวขึ้นในช่วงครึ่งแรกของปี 2565 แต่จีนสูญเสียโมเมนตัม (รูปที่ O1A; ตาราง O1) อุปสงค์ภายในประเทศฟื้นตัวขึ้นหลังจากความทุกข์ยากของคลื่นเดลต้า...
Pertumbuhan di sebagian besar negara di kawasan Asia Timur dan Pasifik (EAP) rebound pada paruh pertama tahun 2022, tetapi Tiongkok kehilangan momentum. Di sebagian besar wilayah, permintaan domestik bangkit...
Growth in most countries in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region rebounded in the first half of 2022, but China lost momentum (Figure O1A; table O1). In much of the region, domestic demand revived...
Tăng trưởng ở hầu hết các quốc gia trong khu vực Đông Á và Thái Bình Dương (EAP) đã phục hồi trong nửa đầu năm 2022, nhưng Trung Quốc đã mất đà (Hình O1A; bảng O1). Ở phần lớn khu vực, nhu cầu nội địa...
Growth in most countries in the East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) region rebounded in the first half of 2022, but China lost momentum (Figure O1A; table O1). In much of the region, domestic demand revived...