This 2nd edition of the Cameroon Economic Updates is part of a program of annual reports analyzing Cameron’s development trends and constraints. The objective of each issue is to present recent economic...
This 2nd edition of the Cameroon Economic Updates is part of a program of annual reports analyzing Cameron’s development trends and constraints. The objective of each issue is to present recent economic...
This is the tenth edition of the Republic of Congo Economic Update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo’s (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by...
Esta es la primera edición de la Actualización económica de Guinea Ecuatorial. El documento incluye un informe sobre la evolución económica reciente de Guinea Ecuatorial, así como las perspectivas y los...
This is the first edition of the Economic Update for Equatorial Guinea. This report presents recent economic developments in Equatorial Guinea as well as the medium-term economic outlook and risks (Chapter...
This is the tenth edition of the Republic of Congo Economic Update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo’s (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by...
This is the sixth edition of the Central African Republic Economic Update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Central African Republic’s (CAR) evolving macroeconomic situation...
Cet ouvrage constitue la sixième édition des Cahiers Economique de la République centrafricaine. Chaque édition de ce rapport annuel présente un aperçu de l’évolution de la situation macroéconomique...
The economy of the Central African Republic (CAR) stagnated in 2021 compared to 2020. Insecurity and disruptions in supply chains drove inflation above the regional ceiling of 3 percent in 2021. Fiscal...
The Gabon Economic Update is an annual World Bank publication that presents an overview of the evolving macroeconomic position in Gabon, followed by a detailed exploration of a specific topic in each edition...
The Gabon Economic Update is an annual World Bank publication that presents an overview of the evolving macroeconomic position in Gabon, followed by a detailed exploration of a specific topic in each edition...
The economy of the Central African Republic (CAR) stagnated in 2021 compared to 2020. Insecurity and disruptions in supply chains drove inflation above the regional ceiling of 3 percent in 2021. Fiscal...
This is the ninth edition of the Republic of Congo economic update. Each edition of this annual report presents an overview of the Republic of Congo (ROC) evolving macroeconomic position, followed by a...
Le présent ouvrage constitue la neuvième édition du rapport de suivi de la situation économique de la République du Congo. Chaque édition de ce rapport annuel présente un aperçu de l’évolution de la situation...
Français La reprise économique du Gabon s'intensifie, le pétrole et d'autres matières premières devant porter la croissance du PIB à 2,7 % en 2022, contre 1,5 % en 2021. La politique budgétaire s'est améliorée...
Gabon’s economic recovery has been intensifying, with oil and other commodities projected to drive GDP growth to 2.7 percent in 2022, up from 1.5 percent in 2021. The fiscal stance improved in 2021 amid...