Capital market activity in Costa Rica is dominated by the primary issuance of public debt, with corporate debt and equity markets being underdeveloped, despite the enabling conditions for these markets...
Costa Rica experienced rapid growth in consumer credit over the past decade, followed by a contraction in recent years. Household credit grew from 30% to 37% of GDP from 2011 to 2021, in line with overall...
Costa Rica’s financial system is at a crossroad facing short-term risks and critical challenges but also opportunities. The financial system has been resilient to the COVID-19 pandemic amid regulatory...
The history of the state’s footprint in Costa Rica’s financial sector goes back a long time, with sector liberalization being a recent phenomenon. The state footprint, from the point of view of public...
Costa Rican and global authorities are increasingly recognizing climate-related and environmental issues as important sources of risk and opportunity for the financial sector. Many central banks, supervisors...