Affiliates of foreign multinationals offer potential growth and benefits through years of successful operation and successive expansions, including through job creation, new skills and technologies, and...
Governments establish investment promotion agencies (IPAs) as part of the larger framework fostering private sector development and contributing to achieving national development objectives. IPAs do this...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is an important source of capital for economic growth in developed and developing countries. Not only does FDI generate jobs and economic growth, it can also trigger highly...
Foreign direct investment (FDI) can contribute significantly towards India reaching its aspiration of 8 percent growth per annum. Prior to 2009, India did not have a national dedicated organization with...
This note describes the options available to governments for establishing high-level institutional structures that can be used to improve the performance of their institutional framework for foreign investment...
Foreign investors attach the highest value to Investment Promotion Agencies (IPA) advocacy services that help improve the business environment. COVID-19 pandemic reinforced the importance of advocacy and...
Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) use advocacy services to help their countries improve the quantity and quality of FDI they can attract, retain, and grow in the future. Successful IPA advocacy persuades...
Investment promotion agencies (IPAs) are playing an increasingly more significant role in the development of the national and regional economies in which they operate. They have the potential to generate...