The document collection focuses on the development of a comprehensive program of measures to manage flood risk, with a specific emphasis on three categories of measures: national measures, prevention and...
This report is an annex to the main modelling report (Output 5 - Report on advice provided to MWF in the preparation of draft FHRMs) in which the methodologies applied for hazard and risk mapping are described...
The main purpose of this report is to describe the processes undertaken to generate the floodhazard and risk maps for the dike breach scenario. This report describes the hazard modeling,probability of...
This report on the review and update of methodological guidance provided to MEWF, represents the second output as specified in the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement (RAS) signed between the Ministry...
The WB requested hydrometeorological data and reports to INHGA and National MeteorologicalAdministration (ANM) necessary for the hazard modeling and for development of the FHRM. Ultimately, the WB team...
This report is an annex of to the main modelling report (Output 5 - Report on advice provided to MWF in the preparation of draft FHRMs) in which the methodologies applied for hazard and risk mapping are...
Scopul principal al acestui raport este descrierea proceselor desfășurate pentru generareahărților de hazard și de risc la inundații pentru scenariile de cedare a digurilor. Raportulprezintă conceptele...
În luna octombrie 2019, Ministerul Mediului, Apelor și Pădurilor (MMAP) din România și Banca Mondială au semnat un Acord de Prestări Servicii de Asistență Tehnică Rambursabile - Reimbursable Advisory Service...
In October 2019, the Romanian Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (MEWF) and the World Bank signed an agreement of the Reimbursable Advisory Service (RAS) ‘Technical Support for the Preparation...
This report was delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Technical Support for the Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans for Romania signed between the Ministry of Waters and...
This report was delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Technical Support for the Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans for Romania signed between the Ministry of Waters and...
This report was delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Technical Support for the Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Romania signed between the Ministry of Waters...
This report was delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Technical Support for the Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Romania signed between the Ministry of Waters...
This report was delivered under the Reimbursable Advisory Services Agreement on Technical Support for the Preparation of Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) for Romania signed between the Ministry of Waters...