Public Financial Management (PFM) has direct implications for health service delivery goals in health systems striving to achieve universal health coverage. PFM, or how budgets are formed, executed, and...
This report aims to assess public financial management (PFM) bottlenecks in health service delivery and identify recommendations for the Ministry of Health (MOH) and its partners in Armenia. This PFM assessment...
This report aims to assess public financial management (PFM) bottlenecks in health service delivery and identify recommendations for the Ministry of Health (MOH) and its partners in Armenia. This PFM assessment...
This report is an activity under the technical support towards universal health coverage in Armenia, which includes advisory services and analytics aimed at supporting the government’s efforts to expand...
This report is an activity under the technical support towards universal health coverage in Armenia, which includes advisory services and analytics aimed at supporting the government’s efforts to expand...
This report is an activity under the technical support towards universal health coverage in Armenia, which includes advisory services and analytics aimed at supporting the government’s efforts to expand...
This report is an activity under the technical support towards universal health coverage in Armenia, which includes advisory services and analytics aimed at supporting the government’s efforts to expand...