China has one of the largest agricultural sectors in the world. Like many other countries, it has struggled to establish an effective agricultural insurance system that can attract the voluntary participation...
Together with climate change, rapid economic growth and urbanization, China’s intensifying disaster risk is putting a strain on the country’s resources, environment, and ecology. Against this backdrop...
In the aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, the Chinese government recognized the importance of catastrophe insurance in promoting rapid rehabilitation and recovery following a disaster. China has...
China has long known more than its fair share of disasters, including earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and droughts. The good news is that in recent decades, the country has made tremendous headway in building...
The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) supported: (i) mainstreaming disaster risk management principles across sixteen investment projects in the urban and DRM team’s China portfolio;...
In response to the devastation of the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, the Chinese government established a counterpart support program for post-disaster recovery and reconstruction. The program designated...
In the 12 years since the Wenchuan Earthquake, China has quickly established a relatively comprehensive space-based system of disaster and emergency monitoring. The development of this capability has strengthened...
Systematic disaster data are critical to effective disaster risk management. This was illustrated in the aftermath of the magnitude 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake, which struck southwestern China in 2008, when...
The result of the joint efforts by the government, communities, enterprises, and other key bodiesis that China’s progress on the development of its DRR demonstration communities has occurred in tandem...
Rapid economic growth and urbanization in China are increasing the severity of the country’s disaster challenge, a situation increasingly exacerbated by climate change. China’s national DRR plans have...