This paper describes the state of informal sector work in urban Sub-Saharan Africa, using household surveys from 26 countries representing 61 percent of the population of Sub-Saharan Africa and firm surveys...
Togo was able to affectively reach the urban informall sector with a fully digital social assistance program, Novissi. The denser telecommunications and financial networks found in cities better facilitated...
Mozambique employed both digital and cash social assistance payments as part of its COVID-19 response. Direct provision of cell phones and mobile money accounts favored vulnerable groups. However, digital...
To provide assistance related to COVID-19 and to inform future shock response, Nigeria piloted digital delivery of a cash transfer program geared toward reaching the urban informal. The pilot made use...
The COVID-19 response in many Sub-Saharan African countries included the rapid deployment of social protection programs leveraging digital systems to counteract the income losses that were disproportionately...
This infographic gives insights from behavioral science to implement impactful cash transfers that optimize use of the cash to improve early childhood development outcomes.
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the urban poor are often uncovered by social protection systems yet incredibly vulnerable to shocks. The urban sector is growing, with HHEs being the largest employer...
The slide deck report presents a narrative on the urban informal sector in SSA and outlines five intervention areas that can help jobseekers become productively engaged in the informal sector, the urban...
While the impact of COVID-19 on Sub-Saharan African labor markets is well documented, there is suggestive evidence that urban households may have fared particularly poorly. This paper uses data from high-frequency...
Sub-Saharan Africa is the world's fastest urbanizing region. This presents economic opportunities for the poor and vulnerable but also poses significant barriers to their economic inclusion. With an increasing...