Indonesia’s most recent amendment to its decentralization legislation transferred a far greater role in education management and service delivery to subnational governments. However, little information...
In May 2016, the World Bank and the Government of Australia, through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), established the Improving Dimensions of Teaching, Education Management and Learning...
This Improving Dimensions of Teaching, Education Management, and Learning Environment (ID-TEMAN) newsletter for November and December 2020 includes the following headings: the promise of education in Indonesia...
The purpose of this mixed methods study was twofold: (i) to examine how school infrastructure and learning complements can be better utilized to promote student learning in Indonesian schools; and (ii)...
Indonesia’s most recent amendment to its decentralization legislation transferred a far greater role in education management and service delivery to subnational governments. However, little information...
The authors visited 350 primary schools and collected data from 1,838 teachers and 3,368 Grade 4 students to assess the quality of education service delivery in a nationally representative sample of schools...
The authors visited 350 primary schools and collected data from 1,838 teachers and 3,368 Grade 4 students to assess the quality of education service delivery in a nationally representative sample of schools...
This Improving Dimensions of Teaching, Education Management, and Learning Environment (ID-TEMAN) newsletter from January to October 2020 includes the following headings: COVID-19 and learning inequities...
The education system under the Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC) in Indonesia is highly decentralized. Most school costs under MoEC are covered by fiscal transfers from the centre to provincial...
Indonesia has the fourth largest education system in the world. The Indonesian children enrolled in formal education attend either public or private schools overseen by the Ministry of Education of Culture...
In Indonesia, religious education in schools is part of the national curriculum and is intended to promote greater understanding of one’s religion, in addition to tolerance and mutual respect between adherents...
The World Bank launched the Promise of Education in Indonesia Overview at the Ministry of Education and Culture on November 19, 2019. The report proposes ways to strengthen education reforms in order to...
ID-TEMAN is supporting the Ministry to pilot a Madrasah Electronic Planning and Budgeting System (e-RKAM) in 60 madrasahs in Jombang district and Yogyakarta province. The system aims to helpmadrasahs to...
Over the past 15 years, Indonesia has implemented major policy reforms to improve education. These include a constitutional mandate to allocate 20 percent of the national budget to education, decentralizing...
This note synthesizes the findings of various analytical pieces conducted by the World Bank in the education sector in Indonesia. The World Bank has supported the knowledge base on education in Indonesia...