Ratings for the Modernization and Optimization of Public Administration Project for Serbia were as follows: outcome was moderately satisfactory, Bank performance was satisfactory, and monitoring and evaluation...
The present modernization and optimization of public administration program will support the efforts of the Government of Serbia (GoS) to improve efficiency in the public administration system. The program...
An integrated fiduciary systems assessment has been undertaken that incorporates financial management (FM), procurement, and governance issues of Serbia. The assessment suggests that there is reasonable...
The objective of the Modernization and Optimization of Public Administration Program Project for Serbia is to improve efficiency in public sector employment and finances. The Government of Serbia has launched...
An Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) has been prepared for the World Bank's Modernization and Optimization of Public Administration to be financed under a Program-for-Results operation...
An Environmental and Social Systems Assessment (ESSA) has been prepared for the World Bank's Modernization and Optimization of Public Administration to be financed under a Program-for-Results operation...