Approximately 1.2 billion people will need to gain access to electricity to achieve universal access by 2030. The only way to achieve this is through a combination of the main grid extension, mini grids...
Approximately 1.2 billion people will need to gain access to electricity to achieve universal access by 2030. The only way to achieve this is through a combination of the main grid extension, mini grids...
As they mature, mini grid sectors evolve from marginally viable competitive entrants to potential monopoly providers of essential services. In early stages, overly stringent regulation can choke the sector’s...
Mini grids can economically supply electricity to people in areas that the main grid is unlikely to reach soon. Mini grids can be quickly deployed and are increasingly price-competitive against traditional...
One of the key concerns raised by the developers of mini grids is "what will become of my mini grid when the main grid arrives?" This report presents detailed case studies of what happened to isolated...