The Ministry of Education of Peru (MINEDU), through the General Directorate for School Infrastructure (DIGEIE), prepared the National School Infrastructure Plan to 2025 (PNIE). Within this framework, the...
Universal access to safe water for all, as well as equal access to suitable sanitation and hygiene services for all, with a special focus on women, girls, and people living in vulnerable conditions, are...
Universal access to safe water for all, as well as equal access to suitable sanitation and hygiene services for all, with a special focus on women, girls, and people living in vulnerable conditions, are...
As it prepared the first School Infrastructure Census (2014 CIE), the Ministry of Education of Perú was given advice from the World Bank for the purposes of analyzing the physical status of public school...
As it prepared the first School Infrastructure Census (2014 CIE), the Ministry of Education of Perú was given advice from the World Bank for the purposes of analyzing the physical status of public school...