This study assesses the role of the investments made in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and prevention in the actual reduction of the impact of floods in the state of Tabasco between 2007 and 2010. Based...
This study assesses the role of the investments made in disaster risk reduction (DRR) and prevention in the actual reduction of the impact of floods in the state of Tabasco between 2007 and 2010. Based...
Over the past decade, several reforms have been adopted in Tajikistan to improve the business environment, but all to little effect. The approach towards the implementation of these reforms was limited...
Over the past decade, several reforms have been adopted in Tajikistan to improve the business environment, but all to little effect. The approach towards the implementation of these reforms was limited...
In the late nineties, the Mexican Government has implemented a fiscal risk management policy for natural disasters through the creation of the Mexican fund for natural disasters (FONDEN). The case of Tabasco...
In the late nineties, the Mexican Government has implemented a fiscal risk management policy for natural disasters through the creation of the Mexican fund for natural disasters (FONDEN). The case of Tabasco...