This review highlights three main findings. First, school feeding programs in low-income countries exhibit large variation in cost, with concomitant opportunities for cost containment. Second, as countries...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
“学校供餐计划”在世界各国的推行,普遍改善了学生的营养状况,提高了学生的就学率和学习能力,同时,它还让贫困人群直接受惠,对贫困家庭起到了有效的减贫作用。截至2008 年世界粮食计划署和世界银行帮助了70 个低收入国家开展了“学校供餐计划”,在人力资本的改善和从根源消除贫困方面,取得了显著成效。本书即是基于这些政策实践,以综合性视角对学校供餐计划进行的系统分析,不仅总结了各国经验及其绩效,而且对政府统筹制定和全面开展“学校供餐计划”提出了可行的建议。全球粮食危机、燃油危机和金融危机促使政府重新开始大力推动学校供餐计划,这为帮助儿童,重新评估现有的国家政策和规划以实现学校供餐计划的长期可持续发展提供了一个新的重要契机。要想充分利用这一机遇,政府和发展合作伙伴需要采取更加系统、政策驱动性更强的方法去实施学校供餐计划。
This review highlights three main findings. First, school feeding programs in low-income countries exhibit large variation in cost, with concomitant opportunities for cost containment. Second, as countries...
This review highlights three main findings. First, school feeding programs in low-income countries exhibit large variation in cost, with concomitant opportunities for cost containment. Second, as countries...