To address the challenge of promoting economic growth and creating better job opportunities for Salvadorans, it is essential to complement policies of macroeconomic stability and openness with a strong...
This Note is part of a Central American Regional Study entitled "Best Jobs in Central America: The Role of Human Capital". The objective of this study is to provide information and advice to public policy...
Despite significant efforts to implement macroeconomic policies and strong trade liberalization, towards the end of the first decade of the century, there is little change in either the economy or the...
The biggest challenge in terms of jobs in Central America is to create better conditions to stimulate more productive job creation in the context of a rapidly growing labor force. Overcoming this challenge...
The biggest challenge in terms of jobs in Central America is to create better conditions to stimulate more productive job creation in the context of a rapidly growing labor force. Overcoming this challenge...
Despite significant efforts to implement macroeconomic policies and strong trade liberalization, towards the end of the first decade of the century, there is little change in either the economy or the...
Through the document Best Jobs in Costa Rica: The Role of Human Capital, World Bank updates its contribution to the public policy dialogue to promote access to quality jobs in Central. The analysis suggests...
In order to improve competitiveness and accelerate economic growth, Guatemala has made great efforts in terms of its macroeconomic stabilization, trade opening and access to foreign direct investment...
This Note reviews the evolution of labor markets, education and social policies in Honduras in recent years, and suggests several courses of action to achieve a more skilled workforce and a more competitive...
In order to improve competitiveness and accelerate economic growth, Guatemala has made great efforts in terms of its macroeconomic stabilization, trade opening and access to foreign direct investment...