These brief highlights the key outcomes and lessons learned from the assistance that the World Bank provided to the Romanian Government to strengthen its capacity to manage the implementation of the National...
In Bangladesh, strong labor market gains contributed to a sharp decline in poverty, with the national poverty rate falling from 48.9 to 24.5 percent between 2000 and 2016, while extreme poverty declined...
The capital Dhaka is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Its rapid population growth led to inadequate infrastructures and service deliveries resulting in poor living conditions. Dhaka...
Quality statistics are necessary for development and poverty reduction efforts. Timely and accurate statistics provide evidence for policy decisions. Bangladesh is taking steps to enhance the availability...
Healthy forests are critical for livelihoods for forest dependent communities. About 19 million Bangladeshis depend on forests for their livelihoods. Yet, the forest cover is decreasing: the proportion...
Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Projected increase in temperatures can lead to more intense and unpredictable rainfalls during the monsoon season, there is higher probability...
Agriculture has been a key driver in poverty reduction over the past two decades in Bangladesh, although the growth of sector has slowed down since 2010. In addition, the sector is highly vulnerable to...
As a riverine country, Bangladesh has a large and vibrant Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector. It has some 700 rivers, streams, and canals with a total length of about 24,000 km. Approximately 6,000 km...
Road crashes kill more than 4,000 people every year in Bangladesh and countless more are seriously injured or disabled. With rapid increase of vehicles without adequate institutional mechanisms and investments...
Dhaka’s population grew from 3 million in 1980 to over 19 million today. Due to inadequate infrastructure, lack of public amenities and severe traffic congestion, the residents face many difficulties in...
Bangladesh needs faster and higher growth to attain its vision of becoming an upper middle-income country by 2031. Inadequate infrastructure is among the key binding constraints to higher growth. The World...
The seafood sector is strategically important for the Bangladesh economy, food security, and the livelihoods of millions of fishermen and stakeholders along the production chain. To ensure fisheries’ sustainability...
Despite Bangladesh’s success in reducing poverty, a significant number of people still live below and around the poverty line. The Government of Bangladesh currently implements several cash transfer programs...
The First Green and Climate Resilient Development (GCRD) Credit is a significant step by Bangladesh to embrace a future that is both clean, efficient, and prepared for the challenges of climate change...
Bangladesh is among most disaster-prone countries in the world. It is highly exposed to a variety of hazards such as floods, cyclones, and earthquakes. The Government of Bangladesh has instituted disaster...
As Bangladesh aspires to move up the value chain and become an upper middle-income country, there have to be significant gains in quality and relevance of skills imparted by the secondary education system...
Bangladesh is well placed to play an important role in regional trade and logistics networks, and as a transit country in South Asia. There are corridors and associated border crossing points that connect...
Bangladesh is known for its pioneering approaches that support Micro Enterprises (MEs) to alleviate poverty. Microenterprises contribute up to 25 percent of GDP and provide 56 percent of jobs in the country...
The Bangladesh economy has undergone important structural shifts, and the industrial sector has become a large contributor to growth and employment. The Export Competitiveness for Jobs (EC4J) project directly...
The World Bank helped Bangladesh to test and treat COVID-19 cases by mobilizing critical supplies including ventilators, oxygen concentrators, testing kits and hospital beds. The World Bank also played...