These brief highlights the key outcomes and lessons learned from the assistance that the World Bank provided to the Romanian Government to strengthen its capacity to manage the implementation of the National...
Bangladesh is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Projected increase in temperatures can lead to more intense and unpredictable rainfalls during the monsoon season, there is higher probability...
Agriculture has been a key driver in poverty reduction over the past two decades in Bangladesh, although the growth of sector has slowed down since 2010. In addition, the sector is highly vulnerable to...
As a riverine country, Bangladesh has a large and vibrant Inland Water Transport (IWT) sector. It has some 700 rivers, streams, and canals with a total length of about 24,000 km. Approximately 6,000 km...
Road crashes kill more than 4,000 people every year in Bangladesh and countless more are seriously injured or disabled. With rapid increase of vehicles without adequate institutional mechanisms and investments...
Dhaka’s population grew from 3 million in 1980 to over 19 million today. Due to inadequate infrastructure, lack of public amenities and severe traffic congestion, the residents face many difficulties in...
Bangladesh needs faster and higher growth to attain its vision of becoming an upper middle-income country by 2031. Inadequate infrastructure is among the key binding constraints to higher growth. The World...
The seafood sector is strategically important for the Bangladesh economy, food security, and the livelihoods of millions of fishermen and stakeholders along the production chain. To ensure fisheries’ sustainability...
With the rapid economic progress in recent decades, and increasing adoption of technological solutions by major industries, Bangladesh will need to prepare its youth, the new entrants in the job market...
In the last decade, Bangladesh achieved a more than fourfold increase in electricity generation capacity and delivered electricity connections to more than 99 percent of its population. The Bangladesh...
Conscious of both its increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions levels, the Government of Bangladesh committed to achieving an ambitious climate change agenda. The government revised its Nationally Determined...
Bangladesh has made great strides in developing an extensive road transport system. Yet, poor quality of construction and maintenance of the primary, secondary and tertiary road network is common, resulting...
In recent years, the manufacturing - particularly the readymade garments (RMG) sector - has been a major driver of the economic growth. It employs more than four million workers, most of whom are women...
As per World Bank estimates, air pollution and lead exposure are responsible for more than one-fifth of the premature deaths in Bangladesh (2019). Strong environmental regulations, strict environmental...
Bangladesh has shown great generosity by providing shelter to around 1.1 million Displaced Rohingya People (DRP) in Cox’s Bazar district. This has placed immense strain on existing infrastructure and social...
The World Bank helped Bangladesh to test and treat COVID-19 cases by mobilizing critical supplies including ventilators, oxygen concentrators, testing kits and hospital beds. The World Bank also played...
In the backdrop of Bangladesh’s vision to achieve upper middle-income status by 2031, efficient river management will play a key role. The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) recognizes the need to significantly...
Due to its unique geographical position, Bangladesh is exposed to extreme weather events like cyclones, floods, and droughts as well as climate change. Prior to this project, unavailability of reliable...
In Bangladesh, strong labor market gains contributed to a sharp decline in poverty, with the national poverty rate falling from 48.9 to 24.5 percent between 2000 and 2016, while extreme poverty declined...
The capital Dhaka is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. Its rapid population growth led to inadequate infrastructures and service deliveries resulting in poor living conditions. Dhaka...