ACTIVA Cameroon is one of Cameroon’s leading insurers: second in the Non-Life Branch and third in the Life Branch. In November 2019 it launched the Activ’Lady insurance program tailored towards Cameroonian...
Several countries have in recent years introduced the unexplained wealth order (UWO) as a tool to improve recoveries of the proceeds of crime—particularly kleptocracy, the fruits of corruption by government...
Women in Ethiopia bear a disproportionate burden of childcare responsibilities, spending approximately eight times the amount of time that men do on childcare. Childcare duties, while critical to the development...
This report examines how tax audits and investigations can lead to uncovering white-collar crime and how investigations of corruption can, in turn, lead to prosecutions of tax evasion or recovery of unpaid...
Low take-up of job offers and high early turnover continue to affect employment of Ethiopia’s female factory workers. Despite starting factory work around the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the women...
At the onset of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the world quickly experienced a crisis within a crisis, a global public health emergency that exacerbated educational inequalities within a...
The technical guide distinguishes the automated risk analysis from the general verification of the AID, which is a comprehensive legal procedure carried out by the staff of the verification agency. The...
Established in 1910 in Manila, Insular Life (known as InLife) is a leading life insurer in the Philippines, and also operates a health maintenance organization, InLife Health Care. In 2018, InLife partnered...
Developing countries lose billions each year through bribery, misappropriation of funds, and other corrupt practices. Much of the proceeds of this corruption find “safe haven” in the world’s financial...
The growth of Pakistan’s start-up ecosystem has resulted in a substantial increase in access to finance through venture capitalists (22 percent of investments) and angel investors (44 percent of investments)...
Since Airbnb’s founding in 2008, women hosts have earned nearly 32 billion dollars using the platform. The income they generate has contributed to launching businesses that further support entrepreneurship...
In partnership with the World Bank and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Facebook’s future of business (FOB) surveys have gathered insights from millions of small business...
South Africa is among the fairest countries in the world when it comes to pay gaps between men and women; it currently ranks 17th of 149 countries on the world economic forum’s global gender index, also...
Transport is a key and often underemphasized tool for increasing women’s economic potential. Women are both underrepresented as providers and underserved as riders: the International Labour Organization...
Lazada has always been supporting the female community in Southeast Asia, from providing selling opportunities on our platform to hiring women riders among our courier fleet. We strongly believe that when...
In South Africa, 2019 was a landmark year as the country’s first ever national minimum wage came into effect on January 1 and with it, hopes that the now-mandated rate per hour signified increased policy...
Founded in 2012, the Grab offers on-demand ride-hailing, logistics, and financial services in eight countries, hosting more than 9 million microentrepreneurs and contributing approximately 8.5 billion...
The United States has Silicon Valley. Kenya has the Silicon Savannah, a regional and, increasingly, a global hub of information and communications technology (ICT). Since 2016, Kenya’s ICT sector has grown...
2012 was a big year for Salesforce. The cloud computing company based in San Francisco announced a stream of acquisitions amid robust financial results that included 37 percent revenue growth and the addition...