This toolkit aims to help WB task team leads and other practitioners apply behavioral science principles to identify factors influencing clean energy technology adoption and design effective solutions...
Female labor force participation in Mashreq countries is notably low due to a range of structural constraints that are further exacerbated by gender norms. This knowledge brief highlights lessons learned...
Em Recife, a empresa de água e saneamento do estado é responsável pela realização das obras da rede de esgoto e cada domicílio é responsável pela sua conexão até a rede instalada na rua. No entanto, nem...
In Recife, Brazil, the water and sanitation utility company is responsible for constructing the public sewerage network. However, connecting a house to the available network in the street is each household’s...
In recent decades, Egypt has made significant investments in closing gender gaps, including the passage of several laws in support of the rights of Egyptian women. Social and gender norms represent critical...
Natural resources management (NRM) helps protect forests and promote sustainable development. Although women are key in strengthening activities in NRM, they are dramatically underrepresented in public...
Jobs entry conditions are tough for disadvantaged youth in a tight labor market. South African employers prefer to hire employees who have at least completed a secondary school education and one year of...
This report is one of several in the region that attempts to unravel the puzzle of the exceptionally low female labor force participation (FLFP) rates in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region...
South African employers are increasingly seeking workers with 21st century skills, which can be defined as executive function and socioemotional skills as the workplace shifts toward the service sector...
Policy makers are increasingly turning to behavioral science to help tackle intractable policy challenges, including increasing student learning, raising savings rates, promoting energy and resource conservation...
Forests and terrestrial ecosystems play a primary environmental role in climate-change mitigation and adaptation. In many developing countries, forests provide ecosystem services and support the livelihoods...
This study seeks to contribute to the existing literature in Sudan by analyzing psychological, social, and behavioral drivers of youth employment in combination with key structural issues identified in...
The outbreak of COVID-19 coincided with a period of significant economic, social, and political challenges in Sudan. The most significant of these were related to the recent establishment of a transitional...
In order to promote environmentally friendly behaviors, it is fundamental not only to consider and modify already existing infrastructure and facilities, or rethink physical prompts and cues in the environment...
Women’s labor force participation in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq is very low, at 14 percent. This paper investigates a number of social and psychological barriers to participation, using recent methods...
Recent innovations in policy interventions have departed from the traditional assumption that people just need sufficient information, adequate incentives (such as lower costs or benefits) or laws for...
This paper presents the results of a randomized controlled trial testing the effectiveness of taxpayer communications informed by behavioral science in inducing business payroll tax compliance at the onset...
Haiti has the highest maternal mortality rates (MMR) in the Latin America and Caribbean region, and low rates of institutional care contribute to high MMR. Although both structural and behavioral barriers...
Behaviorally informed messages have had demonstrated success in increasing tax compliance in multiple regional settings. In Indonesia, which has the largest economy in Southeast Asia, a trial from the...
Behaviorally informed messages have had demonstrated success in increasing tax compliance in multiple regional settings. In Indonesia, which has the largest economy in Southeast Asia, a trial from the...