The Kingdom of Lesotho is land-locked country surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. It is one of the world's poorest countries, with a population of about 2.1 million. The economy is substantially...
The Bo Hai Sea is a semi-enclosed international sea located in the northwest corner of the yellow sea. It has globally important ecological resources and provides significant fishery benefits to China...
The North China Plain is one of the most densely populated regions in the world, encompassing the capital Beijing, many other important industrial cities, and on the coastal edge, commercial ports. It...
Egypt's agriculture sector provides more than a third of national employment. Almost two-thirds of the poor live in rural areas and are primarily dependent on agriculture and related industries for survival...
The Dokan and Derbandikhan hydropower plants are the two largest power plants in the Kurdistan Regional Governorate of Iraq. Both connect to the national power grid and each plant is part of a multipurpose...
During the past several decades, the demands placed on Mexico's water resources increased dramatically largely due to rapid population growth. Although these regions came to account for close to 90 percent...
The first objective of the Water Sector Investment Project was to promote effective integrated water resource management by establishing and implementing a sound institutional framework and sector reform...
With the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent independence of the Kyrgyz Republic in 1991, the country's agricultural sector experienced a serious crisis. Due to a deterioration of organizational...
The Mekong Delta in southeastern Vietnam is a rural area of approximately 39,000 km covered predominantly by rice fields. In the mid-1990s, the agriculture sector in the delta accounted for nearly 30 percent...
Hydropower is a renewable low carbon source of electricity and an important component in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy production. The Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) established by the World...
Until the 1960s, the Aral Sea was the world's fourth-largest lake. Shared by five Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, and the Kyrgyz Republic) the Aral Sea basin...
The objectives of the Irrigation Sub-sector Project and its Supplemental Project were to support the institutional and technical modernization of irrigated agriculture in La Costa. Specific goals aimed...
In 2005, seven countries of South East Europe instituted the Energy Community of South East Europe (ECSEE) in an effort to regionally integrate the energy market and so to address the inefficiencies of...
Between 1998 and 2004, the Urban Water Supply Project supported the turnaround of two water utilities of Cambodia. The Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) became a financially viable public enterprise...
In December 2003, the Bombay Sewage Disposal Project (BSDP) was completed. It was supported by a $192 million blended International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)/International Development...
In 2001, the government of Ecuador, with financing from the World Bank, started assisting municipalities and local communities to carry out the Rural and Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project...
From 1988 to 1996, the Low Income Sanitation Technical Assistance Project (PROSANEAR) supported the scaling up of a new approach to delivering water supply and sanitation services to the urban poor in...
In 1996 the World Bank provided a US$ 25 million credit to the West Bank Gaza for the Palestinian Water Authority (PWA) in the Gaza Strip. The project supported the award of a performance based management...
In 1985, the World Bank started its assistance to the Rural Water Supply and Sanitation (RWS) in China, which was a high priority for the Government. The RWS program consisted of four successive projects...
In 2000, the Second Community Water and Sanitation Project (CWSP2) was initiated with support of a World Bank IDA credit of US$21.9 million. The project built on lessons learned from the first Community...