The potential benefits from supporting early childhood development range from healthy development to a greater capacity to learn and increased productivity in adulthood. Despite undertaking various preschool...
The halal economy (HE) plays an important role in Malaysia’s economic growth, contributing 7.5 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as of 2020. Under the Twelfth Malaysia Plan, 2021-2025 (12MP)...
While Malaysia’s economy has had great success, it also faces several challenges including limited services trade. This report seeks to explain the main constraints that are holding back the services sector...
Malaysia’s higher education sector expanded rapidly in the late 1990s, with the number of institutions peaking in 2001 and the number of international students peaking in 2017. Following improvements in...
The rapid expansion of digital technologies around the world has impacted many economic and social activities with increasingly reliable and fast Internet connectivity changing how people communicate...
The Malaysia Country Gender Diagnostic Note will serve as a guide to identify the priority areas for the World Bank country office in Malaysia to address the gender equality challenges in meeting the country’s...
This paper describes and evaluates Malaysia’s experience with National Development Planning (NDP). It discusses Malaysia’s approach to national planning and how it has successfully driven economic transformation...
Malaysia stands out for its strong economic performance and resilience over a period of sixty years which delivered rapid and inclusive economic growth to its diverse population. This paper describes and...
In 2020, Malaysia passes a crucial milestone in its demographic trajectory and becomes an aging society. Driven by a precipitous decline in fertility accompanied by a sustained rise in life expectancy...
This note is a stocktaking of the first three years of the green sukuk. Given the small sample size and limited data, the analysis is limited in scope. It covers the basics of what makes a green sukuk...
Many emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) face challenges in developing a vibrant domestic bond market. Only a few have developed such markets to a level of full maturity as Malaysia has...
The main purpose of this report is to explore the role Islamic finance has played in furthering financial inclusion in Malaysia, with a view to drawing key lessons of experience. Given Malaysia’s success...
Despite Malaysia’s low and stable inflation rate, there has been an ongoing debate regarding perceived increases in the cost of living in the country. The concerns are frequently expressed in public policy...
Over the past 25 years, Malaysia’s productivity growth has been significant but below that in several regional and global comparators and has also been on a decline since the 2008 global financial crisis...
Traditionally, government and business had few incentives to actively collaborate. For the most part, government regulated business, and business lobbied government on areas of economic interest. When...
Malaysia has experienced a rise in foreign labor inflows in response to steady economic expansion and demographic changes. The foreign workforce has been hovering around 15 percent of the total labor force...
Productivity-enhancing measures play a pivotal role in Malaysia’s aspirations of becoming a high-income economy. Malaysia has enjoyed an impressive growth performance over the past few decades, with growth...
In a span of a half century, the economy of Malaysia has been transformed from a low-income, vulnerable, primary commodity exporter to an upper-middle-income and diversified economy where extreme poverty...
The Malaysian story involves a farsighted leadership that has mobilized the considerable assets of a resource-rich country to translate a long-term vision of nation building into action and transformational...
The promotion of economic opportunities for women is one of the most promising avenues for Malaysia's future development. Closing gaps between men's and women's economic opportunities could boost Malaysia's...