Community driven development (CDD) is an approach that emphasizes community control over planning decisions and investment resources. A rigorous evaluation process helps determine CDD's effectiveness in...
Gender-poverty-environment links: a focus on the links between gender disparity, poverty and environmental degradation is increasingly recognized as a key strategy for improving the lives of poor women...
Women and men use rural and urban transport for different purposes based on their socially determined roles and responsibilities. Poor rural transport systems limit access to markets, education, and health...
Approximately eighty percent of Cambodians live in rural areas with limited access to clean and affordable water and energy. Thirty-four percent of the rural population lives below the national poverty...
The Poor Rural Communities Development Project (PRCDP) is a rural development intervention covering some of the poorest communities in Guangxi, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in China. The project has a...
Papua New Guinea (PNG) is a culturally diverse, environmentally rich country with over five million inhabitants, the majority of whom live on the eastern half of the rugged and mountainous island of New...
The East Asia region is highly prone to the impacts of natural disasters. Situated in the ring of fire, countries in the region are regularly hit by typhoons, earthquakes, floods, and other events. Natural...
Vietnam's economic emergence is perhaps best experienced along its rural roads: over 175,000 km of pavement, rubble and dirt track extend to two-thirds of the country's population and nearly all of the...
On Boxing Day morning, 2004, a 9.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Indian Ocean. The quake unleashed a blast of energy and created a tsunami three stories high. The disaster claimed more than 228,000 lives...
Poor urban populations in Southern cities are already experiencing the negative impacts of changing weather patterns associated with climate change and climate variability and future projections suggest...
The World Bank supported three phases Malawi Social Action Fund (MASAF) project was first approved in 1996. Malawi, with a population of 13 million, is a low income country with one of the lowest per capita...
As Vietnam's fourth largest urban area, Da Nang is expected to grow exponentially in the next two decades. The Da Nang priority infrastructure investment project which operates in a challenging governance...
It is well recognized that mountain ecosystems and their inhabitants are among the most vulnerable to climate change. Measuring the nature and scope of these vulnerabilities remains, however, a work-in-progress...
Local governments need to be endowed with administrative autonomy to be able to respond to local needs effectively. The purpose of this note is to clarify components of a well-designed administrative decentralization...
The objectives of the gender needs assessment study is to add value to and complement the Post Conflict Fund (PCF) supported conflict; and to add to the body of knowledge regarding women, men and their...
Over the past decade plus, Community Driven Development (CDD) has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting the development of small-scale infrastructure. Indeed, by involving community members...
Agriculture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting for approximately 14 percent of total GHG emissions. However, unlike other sectors such as transport or energy, agriculture...
Fiscal decentralization provides the link between incentives for better performance of the local government and the elected support from the citizens and is, therefore, essential for an effective system...
Political decentralization is the primary mechanism through which citizen preferences are represented in the decision making, and is therefore essential to an effective system of decentralization. The...
Carbon finance projects are often intended to be both a payment for an environmental service (PES) and an instrument to facilitate sustainable development in developing countries. To enhance livelihood...