The study examines the use of basic services in rural areas of El Salvador, and provides information on regional distribution of disadvantaged groups across the country. Besides an inequality distribution...
The study explores the distribution of all public education resources across socioeconomic, and demographic groups in South Africa. The Benefit Incidence Analysis was the methodology used to measure the...
This study reviews the impact of public health spending on poverty, and, inequality, in South Africa, and examines how sector expenditures are distributed across socioeconomic groups, races, and regions...
Malawi's education system is hampered by problems of poor access, high repetition and dropout rates, poor infrastructure and inequality. To address this situation the new Government of Malawi has made...
Although Thailand relied on rapid economic growth as the principal strategy for poverty reduction, with impressive results, regional disparities, both in growth, and in poverty reduction, still exist...
The effects of discretionary public expenditures is analyzed, focusing on electoral outcomes during a period of economic reform in Peru. The authors examine the political consequences of the significant...
Subsequent action programs stemming from the Wapenhans report, emphasize the need for lending operations to be based on sound diagnostic Economic and Sector Work (ESW), with full participation of borrowers...
To ease transitional problems during stabilization and structural reform and to protect the well-being of the poor, the government of the Philippines have focused on three major safety net programs: food...
The overall objective of this study was to contribute to social policy formulation in Ghana, through a widespread understanding of the processes that lead to poverty, in a participatory manner. Social...
The appearance of poverty decline in three rural localities in Ghana, between 1988 and 1992, forms the basis for the hypotheses explored in this paper. It has been largely maintained that this decline...
The study presents a poverty profile, based mainly, on data from the Armenian pilot survey, pioneered in 1993-94, a unique effort among the former Soviet Union (FSU) countries, focused on issues such as...
The study investigates the implication of economic recovery in Ghana, and how it relates to the incidence of social spending, reviewing how the poor benefit from education and health spending. As of the...
This paper considers the distributive effects of a very complex Pay-As-You-Go Scheme from a lifetime income approach, assessing the potential effect of different variables on the returns offered by the...
Argentina's Social Security system is one of the older retirement programs in the Americas, with an important coverage rate and a large number of retired workers. The system was reformed in 1994, creating...
This booklet discusses the indicators that are relevant in monitoring the performance of the Bank's lending for poverty reduction. They are intended to make lessons emerging from the recent work program...
Beneficiary assessment is a tool to improve the quality of development operations. This is an approach to information gathering which assess the value of an activity as it is perceived by its principal...