Estimating the potential costs of climate destabilization is not a trivial matter. Potential climate impacts have multiple consequences, some of which can be monetized while others are beyond the reach...
This report summarizes the application of Earth Simulator runs to model future climate in Latin America as part of efforts to better understand climate trends. The Earth Simulator has been used as part...
This summary report concludes that transport plays a critical role in efforts to achieve low carbon development. It is also the key to reducing impacts on exposure to airborne pollutants in urban areas...
This study is a supporting document for the GEF Regional Project on Sustainable Transportation. It is the first published document that compiles and synthesizes air quality information and is the first...
This working paper presents a summary of the results of a report which undertook an economic assessment of policy interventions in the Mexico water sector. The report constitutes part of, and seeks to...
This paper reviews the Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs) that were prepared to incorporate environmental considerations in Water and Sanitation Sector (WSS) reforms in Argentina and Colombia.1...
This report presents a brief overview of the work on adaptation to climate change already under-taken by the World Bank in the Latin America region. It also summarizes current initiatives in the portfolio...
Water resources management represents one of Mexico's most urgent environmental challenges today, and one that impacts heavily on the economy. Mexico continues to grapple with water management problems...
Tourism development is often promoted as a pro-poor non-agricultural rural strategy. However, little research exists at the World Bank about the broad impacts of tourism development. This paper is an interesting...
Guatemala like other countries in Central America, growth and development have been concentrated in areas where agro-ecological conditions are favorable for agricultural export products. Economic potential...
This study is of particular relevance as coffee is the most important agricultural commodity in the world, and approximately 25 million families-many of them small and medium producers-in 51 countries...
On February 27, 2004, the Social Development Unit of the World Bank's Latin American and Caribbean Region (LCSEO) held a learning workshop entitled, "Indigenous Peoples and Development." The objectives...
Water resources management represents one of Mexico's most urgent environmental challenges today, and one that impacts heavily on the economy. Mexico continues to grapple with water management problems...
Climate change is a very serious environmental challenge that affects prospects for sustainable development. Since the industrial revolution, the mean surface temperature of Earth has increased an average...
This paper provides a simple, yet robust, methodology for comparing proposed hydroelectric project sites in terms of their expected negative environmental impacts, and relating these to power generation...
Brazil is well behind most other countries in Latin America in the development of its microfinance industry. The most common explanations for the slow growth of microfinance in Brazil are a) the country's...
The paper looks at cross-country experiences in capacity building for change, and adaptation of indigenous peoples in Latin America, identifying their increased recognition that, to meet the challenges...
The paper synthesizes the information generated by one stage of activities of the Urban Peace Program, which focuses on the dynamics of violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, its effects on poor...
The paper synthesizes the information generated by one stage of activities of the Urban Peace Program, which focuses on the dynamics of violence in Latin America and the Caribbean, its effects on poor...
This paper seeks to strengthen development projects for indigenous peoples and ethnic groups by examining the critical concepts of "ethnodevelopment" or "development with identity," and how to incorporate...