The evidence so far is mixed as to whether educational entertainment (or “edutainment”) can create sustainable changes in financial attitudes and behaviors, and few studies have tested such hypotheses...
This study analyzes the direct effects and local spillovers of a low-cost multifaceted economic inclusion program through a randomized controlled trial in Chad. The intervention included group savings...
Several factors contribute to the limited use of improved seed varieties in Ethiopia. Among those, on the supply side, is the restricted availability of seeds in the volume, quality, and timeliness required...
Diarrhea and growth faltering in early childhood reduce survival and impair neurodevelopment. This paper assesses whether a national program in the Democratic Republic of Congo reduced diarrhea and stunting...
This study conducted a randomized experiment to improve participation in a youth employment program in Côte d'Ivoire by testing text message outreach methods. Sending text messages highlighting that the...
This paper presents the results from a novel field experiment that examined the impact of in- creasing the presence of revenue authority officers on tax compliance and tax morale among small and medium-size...
In developed countries, public childcare programs have increased maternal employment by easing time constraints. However, their impact in lower-middle-income settings with multigenerational households...
High aggregate levels of wildlife consumption in Central African cities may be depleting wildlife populations. This study explores the impacts of demand and supply-side interventions on wild meat consumption...
How do policymakers value advice from local experts versus formal evidence from impact evaluations when making policy decisions? Using a discrete choice experiment conducted in collaboration with the World...
This study uses a cluster randomized controlled trial to evaluate the impact of a nationwide malaria prevention advertising campaign delivered through social media in India. Ads were randomly assigned...
The post-double selection Lasso estimator has become a popular way of selecting control variables when analyzing randomized experiments. This is done to try to improve precision, and reduce bias from attrition...
This paper contributes to the growing body of evidence on the effects of school closures on learning outcomes, focusing on a recent event in a developing country. During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic outbreak...
This paper examines how women’s fertility responds to increases in their earnings and household wealth, using six experiments conducted in Sub-Saharan Africa. Contrary to predictions that an increase in...
Using a cluster-randomized trial, this paper evaluates the impact of group-based interpersonal therapy on mental health and human capital accumulation among adolescent girls in Uganda who were at risk...
Poverty is multidimensional, associated not only with a lack of financial resources, but also often social-psychological constraints, such as diminished agency and aspirations. Through a series of field...
This paper examines the effect of compensating a private sector provider of employment services for successful placement of jobseekers with employers. Within this program, active job matching, relative...
Using a randomized control trial, this paper studies an at-scale preschool construction program that serves poor communities in rural Mozambique. In addition to the construction of preschools, the program...
Can better information on the value of diagnostic tests improve adoption and help patients recognize higher quality of care? In a randomized experiment in public clinics in Mali, providers and patients...
This study uses a cluster-randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of a large-scale women and girls empowerment program on sexual and reproductive health and empowerment outcomes in Côte...
Countries worldwide are implementing GovTech reforms to modernize the public sector and achieve better performance while responding to citizens’ needs. At its core, GovTech represents a whole-of-government...