For many of the people in the world's poorest countries, staying healthy, having enough food, and finding work are daunting challenges that are often exacerbated by food price shocks, natural disasters...
With World Bank Group lending, technical assistance, and economic sector work, countries are protecting workers and investing in programs that help promote job creation through a range of initiatives...
Education is fundamental to development and growth. From encouraging higher enrolment through to training teachers or bringing more girls into schools for the first time, the World Bank Group has been...
The World Bank's gender equity model (GEM) aims to promote gender equity in the private sector by building on a series of good practices in four key areas: recruitment, career development, family-work...
Armenia's economy has undergone a profound transformation since independence in the early 1990s. Today, it is market oriented and highly receptive to trade, capital, and technological innovation. From...
The World Bank has played a lead role in restoring infrastructure and basic services to prewar levels in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) and substantial progress has been made in overall economic and social...
The World Bank responded to the food price crisis of early 2008 through the global food crisis response program (GFRP), which mixes fast-track funding from the International Bank for Reconstruction and...
The World Bank has systematically been using rigorous impact evaluations in Bank-funded education projects around the world to help generate knowledge about how to improve results in education since 2006...
This IBRD Results brief focuses on gender in education, health, and social protection and labor. Gender equality leads to better human development outcomes. This key finding of the "World Development Report...
The World Bank was a leader in global HIV/AIDS financing in the early days of the emergency, and since 1989 has provided US$4.6 billion for HIV-AIDS-related activities. Bank activities in particular through...
InfoDev, a global partnership program within the financial and private sector development network of the World Bank Group, facilitates a network of approximately 400 business incubators in more than 100...
For many of the people in the world’s poorest countries, staying healthy, having enough food, and finding work are daunting challenges that are often exacerbated by food price shocks, natural disasters...
Albania has made great strides reintegrating with the international and European communities and is an important contributor to regional stability in the Balkans. Over the past decade, Albania has been...
A healthy ocean is a valuable natural asset that, if maintained and nurtured, can provide ‘ecosystem services’ that contribute to economic expansion, or ‘blue growth’, in developing coastal and island...
In September 2011, the World Bank launched the World Development Report (WDR) 2012: gender equality and development the first of the series to focus on gender. WDR 2012 highlighted impressive progress...
School feeding programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and...
The World Bank Group has worked closely with its development partners to help the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia travel the road from conflict in 2001 to reaching the threshold of joining...
The Bank contributes to the fight against corruption and other illicit flows through the stolen asset recovery (StAR) initiative and financial market integrity (FMI) unit, which promotes the integrity...
Turkey is one of the greatest success stories of the global economy based on its rapid economic growth and development over the last decade. Extreme poverty has been eliminated; the millennium development...
Facing the need for a sustainable growth strategy, Moldova has been working with the International Development Association (IDA) to address its main development challenges through increased economic competitiveness...