近几年世界银行的《营商环境报告》显示,中国在优化营商环境方面取得了史无前例的成就。在经过之前 15 年相对平缓的表现之后,中国营商环境全球排名从《2018 年营商环境报告》到《2020 年营商环境报告》之间跃升了近 50 位,从全球第 78 位升至第 31 位,连续两年成为全球优化营商环境改善幅度最大的十大经济体之一。本论文旨在:(1)记录中国近几年来的营商环境改革经验;(2)分析改革措施以及该成功背后的制度安排;(3)识别进一步的营商环境改革机遇;以及(4)与其它同样致力于改善营商环境的经济体分享中国的改革经验。
The objective of this working paper is to: (i) document China’s business environment reform experience over the past few years, (ii) analyze the reform measures and the institutional arrangements that...
There are compelling reasons for asset owners – in particular large pension funds and sovereign wealth funds – to adopt sustainable investment, and for governments to support them in these endeavors. First...
China considers innovation be one of the key drivers of its future growth and convergence with more developed countries. It spends more than 2.2 percent of GDP on R&D, above the average for the European...
This report is a stock-take of the state of prudential regulation and supervision of fintech. It focuses on prudential questions related to three primary products—transaction accounts (deposits and e-money...
This paper takes a closer look at why safeguards are needed in bank resolution frameworks and how the principles included in a subset of the key attributes are expected to protect third party rights. Through...
Due to their size and lack of scale, SMEs face many challenges to their growth, and governments on occasion choose to intervene to directly support firms. These interventions can be grouped into four broad...
This paper examines interventions that seek to address firm-level capabilities and access to markets in an integrated fashion. Examples of such interventions include supplier development programs (linking...
The objectives of a well-designed pension system are poverty reduction in old age and income smoothing throughout an individuals' lifetime. Over the last thirty years, changing demographic trends have...
This report provides an assessment of the current state of development of financial safety nets and bank resolution frameworks in eight countries in southern Africa (Botswana, Eswatini [formerly Swaziland]...
While the recent global financial crisis has affected many developed countries, it has had less impact in Africa. Nevertheless, the lessons learned from this crisis are relevant for African countries...
This report provides an assessment of the current state of development of financial safety nets and bank resolution frameworks in eight countries in southern Africa (Botswana, Eswatini [formerly Swaziland]...
Remittances are an important source of income for households in the Southern African Development Community (SADC), as well as a crucial source of foreign exchange for countries in the region. Despite the...
The global housing deficit is expected to burgeon to one billion units by 2025 and is estimated to cost an estimated USD 650 million per year or between USD 9 trillion and USD 11 trillion in total. Other...
The implementation of Basel II has represented a significant challenge for banks and supervisors for over 10 years. The Basel II framework emerged within the context of the international regulatory landscape...
To move funds internationally, banks rely on correspondent banking relationships (CBRs), roughly defined as the provision of banking services by one bank (the correspondent) to another bank (the respondent)...
One important barrier to insurance markets that are more inclusive is the necessity to better understand the needs of low-income and other un- and underserved populations. These people are not currently...
Economic policymakers in developing countries across the world are focusing on expanding financial inclusion. This agenda assumes greater significance for countries like Pakistan, where financial inclusion...
This report identifies prevalent concepts and practices and presents them in a way for financial sector authorities to consider and apply to their respective jurisdictions. Starting with the debate of...