The energy-environment review (EER) for the Islamic Republic of Iran illustrates how placing environmental issues in the context of key economic indicators was useful to incorporate environmental considerations...
Public environmental expenditure reviews (PEERs) offer a way of systematically assessing the equity, efficiency, and effectiveness of public environmental spending. A PEER may be a stand-alone analysis...
Integration of environmental considerations into development planning has been carried out through project level environmental impact assessments (EIA), typically after many critical policy level decisions...
About 1.3 billion of the world's people live on fragile land-arid, semiarid, mountainous, or steep terrain (World Bank 2002). Such lands are often prone to drought, which can result in humanitarian, environmental...
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a tool for including environmental considerations into policies, plans, and programs at the earliest stages of decisionmaking. SEA extends the application of...
The World Bank's Environment Strategy has as one of its objectives, the improvement of the quality of life of the poor in developing countries. Of special concern are the health, livelihoods, and vulnerability...
Millennium Development Goal 7, "ensuring environmental sustainability," has three targets and eight indicators (see table 1). The targets have to do with sustainable development, access to safe water and...
This paper discusses the Cost of Environmental Degradation program, now under way in eight MNA countries. The program consists of a country study and a training course. The objectives of the program are...
The cities of the developing world are the engines of economic growth, but they also face and cause multiple and pressing environmental issues. Those highlighted at the 1992 'Earth Summit' included water...
Development is often accompanied by environmental challenges pollution, the degradation of natural resources and ecosystems, the depletion of the ozone layer, and climate change, among others. These challenges...
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are highly toxic chemical substances that may be produced intentionally for use in agriculture, and industry, or as byproducts of combustion, and industrial processes...
Environmental degradation can inflict serious damage on poor people, because their livelihoods often depend on natural resource use, and their living conditions may offer little protection from pollution...
About 1.2 billion people live in extreme poverty-two-thirds of them in Asia, and one-fourth in Sub-Saharan Africa (World Bank 2002). To support efforts to combat poverty, a number of developing countries...
Despite their value, environmental services are often lost as land users typically receive no compensation for the services their land generates for others and therefore have no economic reason to take...
Despite their value, environmental services are often lost as land users typically receive no compensation for the services their land generates for others and therefore have no economic reason to take...
The note looks at the results of a Bank review, that examined the specific ways in which environmental issues were addressed within the country assistance strategies (CASs), between the years 200-2001...
Recognition that the environment in which people live - from the household to the community to the global level - significantly affects their health, has only recently suggested the global burden of disease...