Trends in world sugar production, consumption, and prices are analyzed; projections are made under various scenarios regarding the operation of an International Sugar Agreement, and the occurrence of a...
The world market prices for softwood are examined. World trade in softwood logs and lumber in 1976 amounted to 129.7 million cubic feet roundwood, equivalent to U.S. $6.8 billion. At present, the developing...
The issues relating to the industrialization strategy of increasing the degree of local processing of primary commodities currently exported in unprocessed form are surveyed. The current structure of developing...
Nickel consumption is closely related to changes in GDP growth, capital outlays and the production of steel, notably stainless. In the last 25 years, nickel consumption grew 6.5 percent annually, faster...
The effect of changing exchange rates and differences in the domestic rates of inflation on commodity analysis is calculated mathematically. Exchange rate deviations between countries have at times been...
Projections of import demand for bananas for 18 importing countries and calculations of banana exports of 24 exporting countries, are made. One of the most important characteristics of bananas from an...
Production and import/export levels of grains are predicted for 1978/79. Production of wheat, coarse grains and milled rice is expected to increase by five percent despite a 12 percent drop in U.S. wheat...
A mathematical model illustrating the optimal hedging strategy of a producing country subject to price and production variability is proposed. Cocoa is used as a case study. The analysis is applied to...
Demand equations to project the demand for primary energy in non-OPEC developing countries are presented. The equations are based on energy demand functions estimated from historical data of 35 sample...
The world cashew market is analyzed, and future production and pricing is projected. Cashew nut prices will fluctuate considerably around the long-term trend. This implies that in the short run cashew...
Mathematical projections for steel consumption in 1978 through 1985 are offered for the United States, Japan, the European communities, other developed countries, developing countries, and centrally planned...
The short-term outlook for copper prices is examined. A marginal increase is predicted, the degree of increase being dependent upon the rate at which world industrial production and consumer demand for...
Major flows in world trade in beef are analyzed. The two most important international trade flows in beef are from Australia to the United States and Argentina to the EEC-9. The EEC's policy of restricting...
Recent trends in the supply and demand of tobacco leaf are examined. The role of tobacco in world trade and its importance to the economies of certain producing countries is also discussed. Production...
Mathematical models, which the World Bank uses for global economic analysis and projection, are presented. The models analyze price and production factors for energy, rubber, copper, iron ore, tin, cocoa...