The 2023 Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) indicates the risk rating of debt distress for Kiribati remains high but is sustainable. High recurrent spending amid a decline in fishing revenues has led to...
According to the updated low-income country debt sustainability framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity remains weak. The DRC remains at a moderate risk...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity remains weak. DRC remains at a moderate risk of...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity was assessed as weak. DRC remains at a moderate...
The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) remains at high risk of debt distress under the Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF). Unless the compact agreement with the United States or parts of it are renewed...
According to the updated Low-Income Country Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s debt-carrying capacity was assessed as weak. DRC remains at a moderate...
Mali remains at moderate risk of external debt distress. This rating is unchanged from the previous analysis and consistent with the May 2018 Staff Report (IMF Country Report/18/141). All the projected...
The risk of external and overall debt distress for Guyana remains moderate, but debt dynamics will improve significantly with the start of oil production in 2020. All external debt indicators remain below...
An updated debt sustainability analysis (DSA) is prepared using the revised Low-income Countries Debt Sustainability Framework (LIC DSF) to assess Zambia’s current debt situation. Debt burden indicators...
The Union of Comoros remains at moderate risk of external debt distress, but its space to absorb shocks is “limited.” All debt burden indicators exhibit a continual upward trend, with the PV of debt-to-export...
This report presents the first official debt sustainability analysis undertaken for Somalia. Based on both external and public debt indicators, Somalia is in debt distress. Total public debt is very high...
Madagascar is assessed at low risk of external debt distress. This marks a change from moderate risk in the June 2018 DSA, despite a broader definition of external debt, and reflects an upgrade in Madagascar’s...
Guinea is at moderate risk of external debt distress with some space to absorb shocks. All external debt burden indicators under the baseline scenario lie below their policy-dependent thresholds. Stress...
Lao P.D.R.’s risks of external and overall debt distress continue to be assessed as high. Under the revised low-income country debt sustainability framework (LIC DSF), its debt carrying capacity has deteriorated...
The Central African Republic (C.A.R.) remains at high risk of external debt distress and overall high risk of debt distress under the revised Debt Sustainability Framework (DSF), unchanged from the 2018...
Chad’s risks of external and overall debt distress are high but have nonetheless declined in the past year. All but one external debt sustainability indicators are below their respective thresholds from...
Cabo Verde’s risk of external and overall debt distress is rated “high” as in the previous debt sustainability analysis (DSA). The present value (PV) of public and publicly-guaranteed (PPG) external debt-to-GDP...
Based on an assessment of external public debt indicators and given the continued buildup of external arrears, the Republic of Congo is classified as “in debt distress”. Moreover, despite the recent restructuring...
The Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) indicates that Honduras stands at low risk of debt distress both for public external debt and overall debt, which represents an upgrade from the 2018 DSA, where risk...
Benin remains at moderate risk of external debt distress. The rating is unchanged from the previous November 2018 DSA. All the projected external debt burden indicators remain below their thresholds under...