Attention to process is key to capacity enhancement. The Brazilian state of Ceará, with the assistance of the World Bank, applied the accelerating results together (ART) methodology to develop and implement...
This paper examines the World Bank Institute's (WBI's) first multiyear capacity enhancement program in the field of parliamentary strengthening. Seven lessons have emerged: (a) strong domestic political...
This CE Brief proposes the Public Sector Governance Reform Cycle framework to help Bank staff and clients identify tools and techniques to assess and strengthen capacity in the public sector. A number...
This paper highlights the capacity enhancement support provided under the World Bank-financed Pakistan Improvement of Financial Reporting and Auditing (PIFRA) project and six lessons learned to be considered...
This brief looks at the challenge of building capacity in post-conflict countries, reviews options for creating capacity, and identifies trade-offs between a rapid result and longer-term impacts of capacity...
Structural transformation of China's economy in the 1980s and its impact on the health sector created a critical need for skills and research capacity in health economics and financing. In 1989 the Government...
Recent experience with monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in Uganda has shown how M&E can be developed to contribute to national capacity building, rather than become a demanding, but unproductive data collection...
How can the Bank or other development agencies more effectively support capacity enhancement (CE) in client countries? Is there a more systematic way to design and track capacity enhancement activities?...
There is an emerging consensus that capacity building in developing countries must shift from supply-side, donor-driven to demand-led approaches. Three areas in which this is critical are evaluation capacity...