This press release, dated December 19, 1995, announces a six-week World Bank staff inquiry found no evidence to substantiate claims by Mr Harry Wu of the Laogai Research Foundation that one of its projects...
This press release, dated October 23, 1995, announces the World Bank expressed its concern at allegations by the human rights activist Mr. Harry Wu that a Bank agriculture project in China was benefitting...
This press release announces The World Bank~^!!^s fifth Bank-funded operation in the telecommunications sector on June 19, 1995. The telecommunications sector modernization project. The project supports...
This press release announces The World Bank~^!!^s Fourth Health Project in Indonesia on June 19, 1995. Almost 27 million people, a third of whom are poor or near-poor, will be the direct recipients of...
This press release announces a forty-seven point five million dollar credit to China on June 15, 1995. The project aims to improve the quality of life for more than 2.5 million people scattered across...
This press release announces a World Bank loan of one hundred thirty-six million dollars for the Kalimantan urban development project on March 23, 1995. The project addresses infrastructural deficiencies...
This press release announces The World Bank~^!!^s support of private sector energy development in Pakistan on November 30, 1994. The Bank approved two operations to advance Pakistan~^!!^s policy of improving...
This press release announces The World Bank's operational results for fiscal year 1994 on July 1, 1994. New lending commitments from the World Bank to development countries totaled twenty point eight billion...
This press release announces The World Bank's New Study "Governance, The World Bank Experience" released on June 24, 1994. Focusing directly on the issue of improving the quality of government is relatively...
This press release, dated February 28, 1983, announces the first major gas development project in India will use a 222.3 million dollars loan from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development...
The consortium of governments and institutions interested in development assistance to India met in Paris on June 9 and 10, 1981 under the Chairmanship of The World Bank.
The World Bank announced its third offering of Swiss franc notes to central banks and other governmental institutions.
A public offering of ¥30 bill ion (approximately US138.6 million dollars) principal amount of bonds of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank) was announced in Tokyo today.
This press release has the announcement of World Bank President Robert S. McNamara, on July 3, 1980, that he has invited Mr. Hans A. Wuttke to take up the appointment of Executive Vice President of the...
This press release, dated February 24, 1977, announces the World Bank and its affiliate, the International Development Association (IDA), are providing 81 million dollars to Egypt for education and water...
This press release, dated December 16, 1976, announces the World Bank approved an 8 million dollars loan to a second education project in the Congo.
This press release, dated December 16, 1976, announces the World Bank approved two loans totaling 44 million dollars for urban development in the Ivory Coast.
The World Bank has approved a 68 million dollars loan to Indonesia to help finance a fertilizer distribution project. This brings total lending to Indonesia by the World Bank and its affiliate, the International...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved thirty-five million US dollars loan to Honduras for the third stage of the Lake Yojoa-Rio Lindo Hydroelectric Power Project on January 9, 1975...
This press release announces that the World Bank has approved five loans to Nigeria for Funtua Agricultural Development Project, Gembe Agricultural Development project, Gusau Agricultural Development project...