This note introduces the 13th edition of the Global Database of Shared Prosperity (GDSP). Shared prosperity is the growth in per capita household income or consumption of the poorest 40 percent of the...
This note provides insights into socio-economic conditions and economic inclusion opportunities for two low-income, artisanal fishing and mollusk-gathering communities in Costa Rica, and explores the role...
Microsimulation modelling has become a powerful tool to analyze the effects of fiscal policy changes. The World Bank’s Equity Policy Lab (EPL) has developed a customizable microsimulation tool to assess...
As the world faces its most significant health and economic crisis in almost one hundred years, international cooperation and global integration face their own watershed moment. Large developed economies...
The rapid transformation of agri-food value chains in Africa and other developing countries hasimportant implications for economic growth and poverty reduction. Policy makers increasinglyrecognize this...
Firm-level survey data on registered private firms reveal that firms in Malaysia have much lower labor productivity than their counterparts in 43 upper-middle-income and 14 high-income countries. It will...
Over the past two decades Russia experienced a significant increase in state-financed entitlements for health care through the Program of State Guarantees for Medical Care (PSG). The PSG, which is underpinned...
Commodity exchanges can provide emerging market economies with orderly, transparent, and efficient markets by acting as mechanisms that mitigate price risk, discover equilibrium prices, and connect buyers...
Benin, along with sixteen other OHADA countries in Africa, revised their commercial law to introduce a new status called entreprenant. This status is designed for micro and small businesses, and registering...
The following is a selection from a report by the Committee on Site from the Inaugural Meeting of the Board of Governors of the IBRD held in Savannah, Georgia, March 8 to 18, 1946 in which the location...
This paper uses data from the Integrated Values Survey, the Life in Transition Survey, and the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey to analyze the relation between age and subjective well-being in the...
Women in the workforce are key to healthy economies, but this does not mean that adding more women to the board will necessarily increase shareholder value or that the financial crisis will not have happened...
This note outlines the critical barriers that constrain trade between Nigeria and Cameroon, describes the practical norms that have emerged as a response to those constraints, and recommends key reforms...
This paper examines the population changes and the related causative factors, namely fertility, mortality and international migration in Sri Lanka. During the past decades, the total size, as well as the...
Major new investment in generating capacity will be needed to satisfy Thailand’s rapid economic growth. As of 2008, installed capacity was 29.1GW. The latest power development plan (2008-2021) forecasts...
This note outlines the critical barriers that constrain trade between Nigeria and Cameroon, describes the practical norms that have emerged as a response to those constraints, and recommends key reforms...
Public Employment Services (PES) in several Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are severely limited by underfunded labor market programs, understaffing, and fragmented networks of employment offices...
Public Employment Services (PES) in several Europe and Central Asia (ECA) countries are severely limited by underfunded labor market programs, understaffing, and fragmented networks of employment offices...
This quick note is to provide the reader with a perspective on how the World Bank Group has been challenged by and has responded to recent global crises. However, at this historical moment, one cannot...
Output-Based Aid (OBA) ties the disbursement of public funding to the achievement of clearly specified results that directly support improved access to basic services. OBA has emerged as an important way...