Understanding the economic and social effects of the recent global trends of rising market concentration and market power has become a policy priority, particularly in developing countries where markets...
On July 15, 2002, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number two hundred and two. It was resolved that, The terms and conditions of the...
Despite fiscal and administrative reforms pursued by the Government of Madagascar since the mid 1980s, to prod economic and financial liberalization, contributing to steady GDP growth rates, manufacturing...
Despite fiscal and administrative reforms pursued by the Government of Madagascar since the mid 1980s, to prod economic and financial liberalization, contributing to steady GDP growth rates, manufacturing...
In 1990, a review of global experience showed that a strategy emphasizing broad-based growth and the equitable provision of social services was the most effective route for sustainable progress of poverty...
In 1990, a review of global experience showed that a strategy emphasizing broad-based growth and the equitable provision of social services was the most effective route for sustainable progress of poverty...
In 1990, a review of global experience showed that a strategy emphasizing broad-based growth and the equitable provision of social services was the most effective route for sustainable progress of poverty...
During the 1990s private sponsors have participated in projects involving eighty-nine airports in twenty-three developing countries, with investment totaling US$5.4 billion. About three-fifths of this...
On January 11, 1994, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number two hundred two. Subscription and payment for shares as authorized hereunder shall be completed...
On May 18, 1964, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number two hundred and two. It was resolved that at the Regular Election of Executive...
This press release announces the report on the technical mission to Colombia has been made public on August 13, 1950.