This study uses text mining techniques on almost 900 presidential ‘state-of-the-union’, type speeches from 10 Latin American countries from 1819 to 2016. The paper documents a sharp increase in recent...
While circumstances vary by country, there are some generic principles for Public Financial Management, or PFM reform. For this quick note these principles were drawn from the personal experience (within...
Policy makers in both developed and developing countries want to accelerate spatial development, make cities more competitive, attract new entrepreneurs, boost economic growth, and promote job creation...
Poverty studies typically focus on people who live below the poverty line. Few studies have examined how people are able to not only move out of but also stay out of poverty. The fifteen, country study...
The note highlights the need to establish an accurate monitoring and evolution (M&E) system for the Plan de Equidad (PE) that combines monitoring and evaluation with social accountability and citizens'...
Iran is currently implementing a five-year project, co-financed by the World Bank, aims: a) to strengthen the institutional capacity to monitor air and water quality, b) to build partnerships among ministries...
Prior research has emphasized that the high costs and risks arising from a poor investment climate-lack of clear property rights, macro-instability, the burden of regulation and taxation, poor infrastructure...
The objectives of the project - a credit of US$ 28.5 million equivalent over the period 2001-05 - were to: (i) improve decentralized local government and capacity; (ii) establish participatory and decentralized...
The objectives of the project - a credit of US$ 28.5 million equivalent over the period 2001-05 - were to: (i) improve decentralized local government and capacity; (ii) establish participatory and decentralized...
In a way, the story of privatization in Africa reflects some of the problems which have beset many other development processes: lack of political commitment, poor design, insufficient resources, weak management...
In a way, the story of privatization in Africa reflects some of the problems which have beset many other development processes: lack of political commitment, poor design, insufficient resources, weak management...
Price controls -- typically reviewed every five years in the United Kingdom -- have been controversial. The author traces the development of U.K. price controls and explains that the initial controls for...
This Precis entitled, Turning an economy around : the challenge in Zambia, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation study, Zambia country assistance review : turning...
This Precis entitled, Turning an economy around : the challenge in Zambia, complements the Bank's Operations and Evaluation Department (OED), Evaluation study, Zambia country assistance review : turning...
In late 1994, several Latin American economies, particularly Mexico and Argentina, experienced sharp reversals of international capital inflows that had characterized the previous four years. The immediate...
On August 6, 1984, International Development Association (IDA) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and thirty two. It was resolved that : (i) For the purpose of credit commitments...
On January 23, 1983, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred thirty-two. (d) Subscription and payment for shares as authorized hereunder shall be...
On September 1, 1959, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Board of Governors adopted resolution number one hundred and thirty-two. It was resolved that: (i) the subscription price...
This press release, dated April 29, 1949, announces its operations results during the nine-month period ended on March 31, 1949. During that time the Bank’s net income was 7,383,006 US Dollars.